I've been in a bit of a YA stint since moving a month ago. Began The Hazel Wood last night after finishing The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh (which made me insane. I need the sequels!). Not that far into it but it has my curiosity!
I've been in a bit of a YA stint since moving a month ago. Began The Hazel Wood last night after finishing The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh (which made me insane. I need the sequels!). Not that far into it but it has my curiosity!
Finished Medieval Medicine this weekend while traveling to and from a conference. The review on the front nails it, truly 'readable and fascinating.'
#medievalhistory #historyofmedicine
I finished Hamnet this morning. O'Farrell almost had me in Part 3, not gonna lie, but her prose is so obnoxious that it ruins the impact of the grief she tries to portray.
After 305 pages William Shakespeare remains unnamed even as his wife, Agnes, stands in his playhouse watching Hamlet.
The book was worth it just for the Battle of the Frogs and the Mice.
Finished! Found some excerpts that I'll be nice to include in lectures about the early Roman Empire.
Enjoyed this translation of the stories of Agamemnon, Elektra, and Orestes by Anne Carson. The different authors for each part of the story reflect the profession of Athens' history, so that as the story progresses so does the historical backdrop the author is writing in.
Finished this little book today, a nice retelling (not translation) of a medieval ghost story with a Latin transcription included.
Been working on my understanding of Mesopotamia and Mesopotamian culture. The Oxford classics collection of myths provides helpful introductions to each story that I'd recommend.
I normally wouldn't describe a biography as a page-turner but Smith had me invested from the first page in Lady Augusta Murray's life.
If you have any interest in Regency era disgraced noblewomen I wholeheartedly recommend Forbidden Wife by Julia Abel Smith. It's about Lady Augusta Murray, the illegal wife of the little known sixth son of King George III.
If this book was a memoir it'd be an alright read. As a history book it's pretty terrible.
A fun, technical exploration of Mesopotamian belief in, and experience with, ghosts by Assyriologist Irving Finkle.
"Ghosts were just one of those things."
Finished Lady Chattterley's Lover. I have a lot of underdeveloped thoughts on the depiction of race and gender in a book that bangs you over the head with classicism and industrialization.
Finished my reread of Frankenstein and oh my god I wish I didn't pick it up. I don't remember how I felt about the book when I read it for English class in high school but as an adult I find both Frankenstein and his monster insufferable. Going to cleanse my palate with an embroidery kit.
Took the second half of the day to do some housework and to finish my revisit of Dracula after 11 years. I'm surprised to find that my response to the characters is just as emotional now as it was then--- only perhaps more matured by time and experience.
Maybe it's because I'm unfamiliar with the Shakespeare play that inspired the book, but I found The Porpoise disjointed and unable to excite much emotion in me.
Every few months I'm reminded that I have a Litsy and think to post on the site. Since May I've been slowly reading SPQR by Mary Beard to learn more about ancient Rome.
#ancienthistory #romanhistory
Not bad! If you're interested in book history, archival redaction, or institutional history and self-representation on an institutional level Spence's book would likely interest you. In terms of my own research it served as a helpful introduction in how to think about those topics.
Finished the mainline Witcher book series last night (only Season of Storms to go!). And you know how Tolkien set the fantasy standard? You know how he let (most) of his characters live? Why is that the quality following fantasy writers left behind? Why do authors have to kill their characters? Let! Them! Live!
I gave this one a so-so though for other choices Sapkowski made. Perhaps on a reread I would appreciate it more.
I'm determined to do no school work today, so I'm giving The Pillars of the Earth a good college try. A friend thoughtfully gave it to me because they enjoyed it and thought I would too since it's a book based in the central middle ages and cathedral building.
Fleming, I didn't need you to come at my gut this way.
#comps #medievalhistory
Ah Robin Fleming, it's been a long time since you've been in my life. How you doin'?
#comps #medievalhistory #gradschool
"As his your of duty went on, greater familiarity with the settlers only deepened his loathing: 'I hate the guts of them all,' he told Lady Erskine; 'they are all middle-class sluts.'
Finally, a white man I can respect in colonial Kenya.
#history #BritishHistory
Imagine being the guy whose expedition got defeated by their own rabbits.
#medievalhistory #gradsy #gradschool
The preface already has me excited.
#nonfiction #americanfire
Kafka came right for me, didn't he?
#germanlit #foreignlit #kafka
I'm really digging Kafka.
#kafka #germanlit
Erasmus Darwin, proponent of evolution before his grandson Charles, Enlightened scholar, and fan of food could not spell a lick.
Forcing myself to put this down so I can do grad school work, but it has been nice not reading something for school. Blazed through the first two books and looking forward to finishing the last one. Kwan's satirical voice is a bit frustrating to get used to, but eventually you appreciate it.
A dude bro wrote this.
On this episode of Greek history: Socrates might be bae.
#Gradly #History #AncientHistory
I teach this beauty the week we return from 🦃break. Heavy stuff, but I'm so excited that the World War II unit is giving me a chance to finally read it.
#History #TheHolocaust #GraphicNovels #Maus #Thanksgiving
When you're computer stops working--- eat.
Took my work to a local coffee shop today. Not very productive in my boyfriend's home.
#Gradly #MedievalHistory
Note to self: come back for these.
#Gradly #MedievalHistory #ReligousHistory
Who wants to read this book for me then tell me the important bits? This book... is not fun.
#Gradly #GradSchool #History #Historiography
I just want you all to be aware that in medieval Dutch a fruit tree is called a fruutboomen.
#History #MedievalHistory #Gradly
Winnie has decided to take interest in the creation of high Middle Ages manuscripts from England.
#CatsofLitsy #Gradsy #MedievalHistory #History
Have I been productive today? Have I? The currently overwhelmed PhD student? Been? Productive? NO I FREAKING HAVEN'T
Started this beauty tonight. She's a heavy one, but I gotta be finished with her by next Wednesday.
#GradSchoolisHeavyLifting #Gradly
Brown's contention with the historiography, his argument, and his topic is wildly interesting. Unfortunately, his writing is not. It is a sad combination, so unless you are interested in religious history and the rise of the saints, and don't mind dry writing, 10/10 would not recommend you read.
However, because I AM interested in this topic and it was fascinating I'm reviewing this as "pick" book.
#MedievalHistory #History #Gradly
This might be the best thing I will read the entire semester.
#Gradly #Historiography #History
Don't mind me. I'm just trying to cram Latin into my brain at 10PM so I'm sort of ready for my quiz tomorrow.
#Latin #ForeignLanguagesAreHard #AtLeastItIsntFrenchAnymore #Gradly
I LOVE medieval christianity and I can not be more excited to start this book! Everything about religion at that time is maddeningly fascinating to me.
#ReligiousHistory #MedievalHistory #MiddleAges #Gradly #ThatPhDLifeTho
Monks were serious about not getting their books back in the Middle Ages.
#History #MedievalHistory #GradSchool #Gradly