#LitCube #WhoCouldEverLearnToLoveABeast box came today for #BookMail !!! Just in time for #BeautyAndTheBeast ❤❤❤ SPOILERS in next post!!!
#BookMail #LitCube #WhoCouldEverLearnToLoveABeast comes with the readable Bellamy and the Brute retelling with a matching signed bookmark, the wearable #BeautyAndTheBeast chapstick, the snackable white chocolate covered Oreo with roses on it (yummy, too), as well as Belle's Books candle and "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere" mug with dandelion wishes on it! ❤ #InTheWickOfTime
#LitCube #WhoCouldEverLearnToLoveABeast box came today for #BookMail !!! Just in time for #BeautyAndTheBeast ❤❤❤ SPOILERS in next post!!!