I found out theres 3 type of people
1 those who believe and know why things are happen.
2 those who dont believe and think its Gods fault.
3 those who dont care. And dont want to know.
#bakerbooksblogger @readbakerbooks
I found out theres 3 type of people
1 those who believe and know why things are happen.
2 those who dont believe and think its Gods fault.
3 those who dont care. And dont want to know.
#bakerbooksblogger @readbakerbooks
"Why do so many Christians find it so difficult to say with John, with Paul and with the author Hebrews, 'I know. I am sure. I have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of my soul?' "
#bakerbooksblogger @bakerbooks #assurance
"We cry out to God so easily in our desperation-in the stroms, the waves, the torrential downpour." #bakerbooksblogger