I cant wait to dig into this thrill novel
Need your help on my next read?? I have two piles.. 6 books total that my kids put out for me. here are the list:
The girl on the train
Fifty shades of grey
Forged through fire
The half sister
A stranger in the house
House the only way out is in
Fallen series
Pg 322 "Rayn drew her to him. I know. He gave her a knowing look like she should know. He pointed to himself. Jedi. He pointed at her. Leia. I love you. I know. Ryan narrowed his eyes at her playfully. Its one of the most famous lines."
The cutes couple ever just like the first book LIVING LIES with Lane and Charlie. 5 stars for this book same as DEADLY DECEIT.
Amazing book so much twist and turn.. Love the main characters. #harboredsecrets @nataliewalters.
Amazing book ever!!!! I not post in a long time cuz i had to delete the app. I love the ending i cant ask for more beside what happen to charlie and lane. Wont spill the ending... #livinglies @revellbooks
Lane is having a thing for the deputy.. So funny how she tries the hardest not to show it. @revellbooks
I been noticing how Lane is being attractive to Deptuy Charlie. Its cute but she still feels pain of her lost. @revellbooks
Pg 42.. Love this part of the book. Every good looking will think.. 😉
Pg 21 when deputy got his first murder case and the ME said congratulations. Wow... @revellbooks
"Was the man from the bridge following her? You're being paranoid." Pg 9
Crazy part of this book that i love is the mystic vibe it gives you.. Especially between Cohen and the father. #revellreads @revellbooks
"Twenty-eight and a widow. Lane closed her eyes and thought of Noah. It wasnt fair that she'd stolen his daddy away from him. He deserved better. They both did." #revellreads @revellbooks @nataliewalters
Its funny how cohen is having flesh backs of his life and remebering about his new friends and adventures they had. Then he goes back in present life looking at his dad dying. @revellbooks
So i am half way to the of the book and i am getting to the point where out of the blue Cohens mom shows up at the hospital has no pitty on her husband. Wow lady.... 😯 #Revellbooks @revellbooks
This is weird on this two pages Cohen described how this girl Hippie felt and look like. For me it seems like a ghost. #revellreads @revellbooks
"I hope he does not find Mom. I hope she runs and runs all the way out of here as far as she can."
Page 170
#revellreads @revellbooks
So far i am not stopping reading. this book is soo good. It time travels to 2 different stories. A must read. #revellreads @shawnsmucker @revellbooks
Never thought i was going to read a book that has so much suspens.. I am loving it.. #revellreads
Look what i got a new book to read.. And it sounds suspens too me.. #revellreads @revellbooks
I found out theres 3 type of people
1 those who believe and know why things are happen.
2 those who dont believe and think its Gods fault.
3 those who dont care. And dont want to know.
#bakerbooksblogger @readbakerbooks
Does anyone remeber their young Love? I do.. #revellbooks @revellbooks
I am shocked 😱.. Did not know.. We need to read more to understand more. @readbakerbooks. #bakerbooksblooger.
Same as the first review i love these books of prayers.. By the way they have verses for the prayers. 5 stars both books. @revellbooks #revellreads.
I love the book. Its not a book where theres chapters but take your time on day by day prayer.. Theres different topics for different moods for your Son. 5 stars @revellbooks
So there was a part that was werid.. Who was that creepy Guy before the deputys dog jumped in with Lane..😕😦 #livinglies #revellreads @revellbooks @nataliewalters
"Why do so many Christians find it so difficult to say with John, with Paul and with the author Hebrews, 'I know. I am sure. I have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of my soul?' "
#bakerbooksblogger @bakerbooks #assurance
"Understanding this free us to place our Confidence and Trust in God Himself instead of being forced to rely upon our own righteousness or upon whatever faith we can muster." #passionforjesus
"If you are a Christian with a Desire to reach the Lost, you should know that the enemy will often send the sea fog of discouragement your Way." #bakerbookblogger @readbakerbooks
"Sometimes i will struggle with Fear," she confided, "but i know that my sercurity comes from Christ as i follow His will for my Life." By Rebecca Friedlander #bakerbooksbloggers @readbakerbooks
I did a review on this book already but never got the chance to finsih it.. I will let every one..
Next book.. Im spending my time reading theses Aswome books.. #bakerbookblooger
Another wonder prayer for my son as well for my daughter.. So far i have to say i love these prayers
.. @revellbooks #revellreads
A sneek peek on chapter 1.. #revellreads @revellbooks
#revellreads @revellbooks cant wait to start. 3 books in a row.. I love books..
"The Lord is my Helper." Hebrew 13.6 #bakerbookblogger.
Is God Enough? Pg 50 #bakerbookbloggers @bakerbook
"We cry out to God so easily in our desperation-in the stroms, the waves, the torrential downpour." #bakerbooksblogger
Going into a new book and so far it is good..