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Looking for Alaska | John Green
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As Banned Book Week closes, I will once again share one of my favorite banned books. Some books just stick with you, and this is one of those for me. #bannedbookweek2017 #stopcensorship

TrishB Why was this banned? I've had a hard time this week believing why these books were banned! 7y
NovelGirl82 @TrishB It's #6 on the top 10 this year, and was last year as well, for "sexually explicit scenes" that "may lead to sexual experimentation". Ridiculous. 7y
TrishB 😱 in the US? I don't think it was in the UK. 7y
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The Bluest Eye | Toni Morrison
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Banned Book Week Tuesday: Banned Book on TBR....The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison; challenged for violence and sexual content. #booksddict #bookblogger #bannedbookweek2017 #tonimorrison

Nebklvr This book was devastating 7y
SaraBeagle Did you see it's being challenged AGAIN this week? 7y
TheBookbabeblog84 @SaraBeagle yes, that‘s why I picked it (partly anyway) 7y
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These are some of my favorite often-challenged books. What are yours? #bannedbookweek2017

That-Bookish-Hiker I didn't realize Eleanor and Park was a banned book until I saw it at my local bookstore. That's so crazy!! It baffles me that books are banned at all. 7y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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This is very much not my type of book at all..I don‘t typically find myself reading kinky erotica. But as it is #bannedbookweek2017 and I have no doubts as to this having been banned I‘m going to keep reading at least for now.

Natasha.C.Barnes Kinky erotica? Oh do post a page, I'm so curious. 😆 7y
monkeygirlsmama This was a series I read many years ago. Not one I feel the need to ever read again, but it was definitely kinky fun to read. 7y
CandycaneBelle @Natasha.C.Barnes I will! I don‘t have it at work for obvious reasons 😂And @monkeygirlsmama I see why you say that! At this point I don‘t know if I will make it to books 2,3,4 but find value in challenging myself and widening my perspective! 7y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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And here we see why people have thought it appropriate to censor this...erotica makes people (old dead white men??) upset. I have hopes that this is good even though it has a rape scene as the first scene #bannedbookweek2017