As Banned Book Week closes, I will once again share one of my favorite banned books. Some books just stick with you, and this is one of those for me. #bannedbookweek2017 #stopcensorship
As Banned Book Week closes, I will once again share one of my favorite banned books. Some books just stick with you, and this is one of those for me. #bannedbookweek2017 #stopcensorship
Banned Book Week Tuesday: Banned Book on TBR....The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison; challenged for violence and sexual content. #booksddict #bookblogger #bannedbookweek2017 #tonimorrison
These are some of my favorite often-challenged books. What are yours? #bannedbookweek2017
This is very much not my type of book at all..I don‘t typically find myself reading kinky erotica. But as it is #bannedbookweek2017 and I have no doubts as to this having been banned I‘m going to keep reading at least for now.
And here we see why people have thought it appropriate to censor this...erotica makes people (old dead white men??) upset. I have hopes that this is good even though it has a rape scene as the first scene #bannedbookweek2017