Any Demigods here?
#lightningthief #camphalfblood #demigod #bookpouch #pouch #ebook #ereader #ibooks #goodreads #crossstitch #handmade #totefairie
"Enemies of the heir, beware."
#harrypotter #chamberofsecrets #potterhead #bookworm #crossstitch #handmade #bookpouch #totefairie
@Michelle_mck sends me the sweetest pics, today she matched her book to her #BookGoGo 😘👍🏻 hurry up and finish the book so I can read it. We loved Nadiya on Bakeoff http://etsy.me/2p0h0vD #booksleeve #bookpouch #booksleeves
It's post day at the shop today, packaging up the orders - if you have ordered since Saturday your package is on its way to you. Have done some restocks today so checkout the store for beauties like this http://etsy.me/2pZ6AsK #bookgogo #happymail #totesaGoGo #booksleeves #booksleeve #protectyourbooks #bookpouch