Some morning short fiction with Casey, who still believes it‘s indecent to get up before 10:00. I‘m enjoying these very British, very Victorian winter ghost stories.
Some morning short fiction with Casey, who still believes it‘s indecent to get up before 10:00. I‘m enjoying these very British, very Victorian winter ghost stories.
A certain little fuzzball cuddled up to my book while I skritched his tummy this morning.
STARS IN YOUR EYES is my fifth Kacen Callender novel. My first two of their books blew me away and ensured their spot on my Must Read list. My next two were resoundingly okay. So far, this one‘s in the middle; really good, but not mindblowing. We shall see how the back half goes. #gaymay
I want to cook my supper and read my book. He wants me to give him seventy-three treats. Sigh.
I say I want to read my book, but honestly… well. I don‘t dislike A SWEET STING OF SALT as of page 90. I can‘t point to any element and say, “I hate this,” but I can‘t point out anything I love (or really like), either. One of those. I‘ll give it a little bit longer, then consider whether I want to drift away from it. #gaymay
And now, some readerly disappointment.
THE BAKER AND THE BARD has extremely cute art. Unfortunately, it doesn‘t match the energy the script puts out. It wants to be a very specific sort of thing, in the same vein as K. O‘Neill‘s work, but it lacks the little details and narrative flow that‘d bring it all together into an affecting package.
There‘s potential here, but the execution could‘ve been much better. #gaymay