I‘ve never read this book before and I can already tell it will bring me to tears. #emotionalreading
I‘ve never read this book before and I can already tell it will bring me to tears. #emotionalreading
I'm tired & chances are high Peanut will be up a couple times during the night. But I want to read. I NEED to read. If I don't, I feel like I'll allow myself to slack & fall into a slump. Need to shake off the meh feelings & do something productive. I'm hoping that'll be easy to do with this book. This series is like one of my oldest friends. I slip back in with it without any problem, and Evanovich can generally make me laugh when I need it most.
I won this book on goodreads 2 years ago. It made me feel every single emotion and left me raw in need of more.
be prepared for a truly, emotionally, gripping rollercoaster ride
#imstillhere #emotionalreading