Interesting, but not entirely substantiated scholarship— still, definitely worth the read and fascinating 🧚🍁💀not for the weak-stomached scholar, that‘s for sure
Interesting, but not entirely substantiated scholarship— still, definitely worth the read and fascinating 🧚🍁💀not for the weak-stomached scholar, that‘s for sure
Finished this one today. It was ok and I didn‘t DNF. But, yeah.
Cheryl Strayed‘s Wild meets Diana Melmuth‘s The Witching Year in this messy but endearingly earnest travel memoir. While grieving her father, writer Signe Pike rambles primarily across England, Ireland, and Scotland, seeking out stories and first-hand accounts of faeries, visiting faery landmarks and sacred places, and reckoning with a devoted but angry father she loved but never understood. Slow and not fully satisfying, but worth the read!
Just managed to get this set for £5. Anyone read them? What do you think?
3✨Okay, I messed up on this one. I didn‘t realize when I started this that it was the fourth book in the series. I was lost at first, but quickly picked up on what was happening. We basically have a half blood werewolf and vampire/fairy that are connected in one way. I didn‘t really care for the characters, but this could be because I didn‘t get much back story jumping into the middle. I‘m not going to continue or go back and more my fault.
This volume contains all three stories. I loved the artwork and the three books together was a fun read. If you're looking for a great escape read this is for you.
Yay! I am really behind on my buddy reads. I hope to finish the tagged, my #BookSpin is almost done “Outwitting Stress”. Then I would like to catch up Anne of Green Gables, Return of the King, #NancyDrewBR #PemberLittens and #FellowshipofTolkien It‘s doable with a three day weekend as long as I catch up on sleep too. @Andrew65 #JoyousJanuary
Late 1800s: Devlin stood immobile as the spectral girl approached. @ShyBookOwl @Littlewolf1