{ Favorite book of the series }
This is such a difficult decision? I love all of them but I think #philosophersstone and #prisonerofazkaban are my favorites ❤️ I wish I could feel this magic for the first time again?
? What about you? What's your favorite book of the series?
Have a magical evening✨
#harrypotter #potter #potterhead #hogwarts #hogwartsismyhome #ravenclaw #ravenclawpride #gleis9¾ #hogwartsexpress
the.reading.court My favourite is Half-Blood Prince but for a long time it was Prisoner of Azkaban 😍 8y
geekybookgirl2 My favourite is The Prisoner of Azkaban. 8y
ninoimwunderland Great choice! I love both of them😍 @the.reading.court 8y
ninoimwunderland 😍😍😍 @geekybookgirl2 8y
Linsy Beautiful! 7y