Loving the vibe and enjoying spending time in Granada!! Totally want to see flamenco now...
Loving the vibe and enjoying spending time in Granada!! Totally want to see flamenco now...
I found this on a Book Riot list of Egyptian authors to try, and seeing only one Litsy post, I thought maybe it wasn't so well-known. Then I looked at Goodreads...over 40,000 ratings 😮 I can see why it's so popular: Ashour's tale of a Granadan family at the end of the 15th century captures the fraught interactions between family members during a time of upheaval. With Muslim rule recently ended by the Castilians, 👇
4.5⭐ I'm giving an extra half star because of the setting of this book. The Alhambra sounds amazing, a place I'd love to see. The story of Kate who runs to Granada to escape cruelty. The story weaves between present and past, 1490s when the last of the Sultans reign in Granada. Recommend for the description of the beauty of that palace.
Next up! Not sure how quickly I'll get through this as I'm going away tomorrow, my daughters having surgery Monday. I'll be gone a few days. Of course I'll have my book and my kindle. Just don't know how much reading I'll get done.
"Nije ga ni pogledala tijekom plesa, ali on nije skidao oči s nje."
"She did not even look at him during the dance, but he did not remove his eyes from her."
"U bračnoj slikovnici bili su savršen par. To je bila priča namijenjena publici."
"They were the perfect couple in the 'marriage picture book'. It was a story intended for the audience."
Few pages of light reading, before go to sleep. Relaxing.
I loved the beginning of the novel. It‘s 2001, and we meet Sonia and her friend Maggie. They‘re in Granada to take salsa classes.
Then the story shifts to Granada before, during and after the Spanish Civil War and how Franco became the leader. In this part we meet the Ramirez family, who consists of Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez and their 3 sons and 1 daughter. In this part Hislop lost me and I‘m not sure how that happened. Cont. ⬇️
Ready to start my fourth book for #MakeMeReadIt.
I read her debut, The Island, and wasn‘t blown away by it. Hope this turns out differently.