Finished it. Loved it. Raving about it in a future blog post. ❤️📚 #amosistheperfecthero #karenwitemeyer #heartontheline #lovethisseries #ladiesofharpersstation #christianfiction #historicalromance
Finished it. Loved it. Raving about it in a future blog post. ❤️📚 #amosistheperfecthero #karenwitemeyer #heartontheline #lovethisseries #ladiesofharpersstation #christianfiction #historicalromance
I breezed through 98 pages last night before I decided to act like a somewhat responsible adult and go to bed 😳#itsreallygood #latenightreading #ididntwanttostop #2amreading #backtothebooktoday #hellomorninghellobook #karenwitemeyer #heartontheline #christianfiction #historicalromance
That moment when you have to decide if you should go to bed or start a new book even though it's ridiculously late... #thebookwins #heartontheline #ivebeenwaitingforthisone #karenwitemayer #whoneedssleep #readmoresleepless