#hellothursday #hellthursday
1. 57f
2. 60f
3. 71f
4. Hot outdoors, frigid A/C indoors
5. No clue, I don‘t re-read.
#hellothursday #hellthursday
1. 57f
2. 60f
3. 71f
4. Hot outdoors, frigid A/C indoors
5. No clue, I don‘t re-read.
#hellothursday time. I accidentally made it Hell Thursday at first, which fits because I was up with Casey until 5:30. Today ain't gonna be fun.
1. -27°C with a windchill of 37. Marginally better than yesterday, but also another reason the typo fits.
2. At least 25. I consider anything under 20 cold.
3. 20.
4. 40. I love to escape the air conditioning and read out in the gazebo.
5. I love holiday romances in early winter. No preference now.