#Sara & #Daniel 😍 📖❤️ #tihoincontratoquasipercaso #patrishamar #book #readingooftheday #read #reading #reader #ioleggoetu #author #newtoncompton
🇬🇧 I'm currently reading 'Our little sister 1' and I'm almost at the end 😙
🇮🇹 Sto leggendo 'Our little sister' e non vedo l'ora di parlarvene sul blog!
#books #book #quotation #pagine #libri #citazioni #romanzidaleggere #storie #ioleggoetu #bookstagram #bookstagramfeature #bookishfeature #bookishlove #booknerdigans #igreads #ilovebooks #ilovereading #reading #booklover #bookworm #booksoutofdoors #vscobooks #nofilter #reading #summergram
I finished reading #thematchamakersplaybook by #rachelvandyken and I fell for Ian 😍😍 I'm literally in live with this book and now I want to read every single book from this author,which I'm already doing!
#bookobsession #blurb #wingmeninc #bookserie #books #book #quotation #libri #citazioni #romanzidaleggere #storie #ioleggoetu #bookishlove #booknerdigans #igreads #ilovebooks #ilovereading #booklover #bookworm #vscobooks #reading #summergram