When in Tacoma... a stop at Half Price Books is a must. Found a lovely (and coveted!) edition of I Capture the Castle for a phenomenal price and couldn't pass up The Bookish Life of Nina Hill.
#itsahaulyall #bookhaul #halfpricebooks
When in Tacoma... a stop at Half Price Books is a must. Found a lovely (and coveted!) edition of I Capture the Castle for a phenomenal price and couldn't pass up The Bookish Life of Nina Hill.
#itsahaulyall #bookhaul #halfpricebooks
"I cannot live without books." - Thomas Jefferson.
@Beachesnbooks, this one's for you! ?
Here are the "spoils" of my visit to Barnes & Noble's "First 50% Book Haul and Book Blowout" earlier today.
I also picked up a second copy of Strange the Dreamer for mah bestie AND got to score this sweet, sweet (free!) tote bag for buying 3 books or more! Yay!
#itsahaulyall #buyallthebooks #buttheywereonsale #bnismyhappyplace