Another great entry in the series. These books are like M&Ms to me, as soon as I finish one I'm craving another!
Another great entry in the series. These books are like M&Ms to me, as soon as I finish one I'm craving another!
I realized this being that I left my current read at work but I don‘t even care cuz it gives me an excuse to go ahead and start this just acquired book tonight!
This novel featured Beaumont, retired homicide detective from Seattle. Beau is contacted by his former partners son. Beau‘s partner had been murder by her ex-husband in an act of domestic violence. The son is hoping to find his brother who had disappeared years ago in Homer Alaska. Beau goes to find the answers to what occurred. The characters he meets along the way are interesting. I really enjoyed the story. 4.5/5
I enjoyed this although it wasn‘t as riveting as previous books in the series.
Another great entry in the series. For books written in the 80's, these don't feel dated at all, other than there are no cell phones and technology such as answering machines are new "gadgets" Beau has to get used.
Ok, my favorite so far! I read this one in two days, which I don't do very often. The last fifty or so pages had me on the edge of my seat. On to the next book!
I started this one immediately after reading the first book in the series, and I think I liked this one even more. As soon as I finished it I started the third book.
I really enjoyed this! Partway in I suddenly had William Powell in my head, he would have made a great Beau.
Don't waste your time