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Lover Awakened | J R Ward
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#BDB #BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub

How is everyone coming along on book two, Lover Eternal? The third book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series is Lover Awakened. It is Bella and Zsadist's story. Get read to read about them in August.
Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list.
@PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom @InkedBookworm13 @tdrosebud @CoverToCoverGirl @StayCurious @BooksNBowls

ShananigansReads I haven‘t even started yet 😩. I did get caught up with book 22. I plan to reread book 2 next week. (Had to take some time between) 1w
julesG I binged the whole book yesterday. 😉 1w
TheSpineView @ShananigansReads I get that.👍📖 1w
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TheSpineView @julesG Wow! Great job! I have 5 chapters left. 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I don‘t know how I missed this! I‘m going to see if I can find this book! 1w
TheSpineView @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Would love to have you join in! 1w
BooksNBowls I‘m a little behind this week! Dealing with a lot of stuff right now, hoping to catch up this weekend 🙂 1w
TheSpineView @BooksNBowls Sounds like a plan. Enjoy your weekend! 1w
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Catching up! Luckily I have two #audioknitting projects to go - I had to start a new project when the last project had only about 50 rounds to go on one sleeve. 🙄🙄 [Background - my Frankenstein sweater made from differently coloured Alpaca yarn. Foreground - Sea Glass Tee made with lots of leftover sock yarn.]

#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB @TheSpineView
#SeriesLove2024 @Andrew65

#KnittersOfLitsy #LitsyCrafters

AnnCrystal 👏🤩👍💝. 1w
ShelleyBooksie Beautiful 1w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1w
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#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB

These chapters focus on the Rhag's attraction to Mary. Rhage takes her dinner and is deeply rattled by his reaction to her. Rhage reveals to Thor why he acts the way he does around females and asks Tohr not to ride him about his hookups. Tour tells Rhage he has to wipe Mary's memories. Mr. X and Mr. O capture another civilian vampire. Rhage plans another dinner with Mary but instead of eating they take a walk and..

TheSpineView Are confronted by lessors. Rhage fights them and kills most. It scares Mary. Rhage also realizes he is bonding with Mary. Mary dropped her purse during the altercation and Rhage is now afraid the lessors will go after Mary. He goes home with Mary to protect her and gets caught in the daylight. He is burned by the daylight and Mary knows he is a vampire. Mary takes care of Rhage. She also gets to see Rhage's dragon tattoo and makes note of the... 2w
TheSpineView Eyes of the dragon watching her. Meanwhile, Mr. O and Mr. U are working on building a new facility for the lessors to use. Tohr goes to John Matthew's apartment to offer him a place in the new training program for pretransition males. @PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom @InkedBookworm13 @tdrosebud @CoverToCoverGirl @StayCurious @BooksNBowls 2w
TheSpineView A couple of thoughts I had on this section. I wonder if there are other things about John Matthew we still don't know about. I also wonder if Rhage will tell Mary about the curse first or will the beast come out before he tells her? Do you think the beast will respond to Mary? How much is Rhage aware of when the beast takes over? 2w
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These first eleven chapters are exciting because we get to meet new characters. John Matthew who is a young vampire that has not gone through the transition. He was raised by humans and doesn't know anything about vampires. A civilian vampire, Bella, recognizes what John is and also the significance of the bracelet he is wearing. She calls the Brotherhood and John, along with Bella and a human Mary go to the mansion and meet with Tohrment.

TheSpineView Butch is trying to see Marrissa but she has not been returning his calls. He goes to the house she lives in with her brother and is turned away. Butch gets to meet Rhage's beast during a fight with lessors. Rhage meets the human Mary when she is at the mansion. He is attracted to her and wants to see her again. He is told that he must wipe her memories and us not happy about. He also can tell she is very sick. She has just found out that... 3w
TheSpineView ..the cancer, leukemia, that she has been fighting is back. Meanwhile, the lessors are continuing to capture civilian vampires in an effort to get more information about the Brotherhood. We have a couple of subplots starting, John Matthew, Butch and Marrisa. Do you enjoy that the author is setting up future books with the Subplots? Do you think the addition of characters enhances the story or make it too complex? @PageShifter @Laughterhp 3w
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julesG I like the subplots, but that's probably because I know that they will be turned into the main plot of a future book. I hate it when authors don't wrap up subplots otherwise. 3w
TheSpineView @julesG I agee with you. I love when subplots enhance the story and these work well in this series. #BDB #BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub 3w
BooksNBowls I like all the different characters, I think it keeps the story fresh and moving! 3w
julesG Just passed the Chapter 7 marker and am wondering whether the casual approach to using women (at One Eye(?)) annoyed me as much the first time round as it does this time reading the book. Yes, those women are at the club to have a fun time, but do they really stand a chance against the allure of the vampires? Are the lives of the members of the BDB really this boring - training and fighting and women (and food and sleep)? No other hobbies? 2w
TheSpineView @julesG I hadn't thought about the lack of hobbies. But you are right it does seem boring. At least Tohr has Wellsie and hopefully does stuff with her. Maybe the other brothers act like frat boys and watch sports, drink, play video games??? 1w
julesG Exactly, act like frat boys. 🤣 Thanks for reminding me. Fraternities work differently here in Germany, I did not think of putting it like that. It fits! 1w
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#FirstLineFriday @ShyBookOwl

"Ah, hell, V, you're killing me."

Lover Eternal is the 2nd book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

#BDB #BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this series 🖤🖤 3w
TheSpineView @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Me too. Doing a reread. 3w
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#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB

Hopefully everyone was able to find a copy of Lover Eternal, the second book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood. This book is 441 pages and 51 chapters. I plan on reading 11 chapters each week. That will leave 7 chapters for the partial week at the end of July. I will do a weekly recap and we can discuss anything of interest too. Happy Reading! ❤️🧛‍♂️❤️
@PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom

julesG Thanks for the reminder, need to get the audiobook onto my phone. 4w
TheSpineView @julesG 👍❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🎧 4w
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ShananigansReads Can't wait! 4w
BooksNBowls Omg can I join yall?! 4w
TheSpineView @BooksNBowls Sure! Do you want me to add you to the tag list? 4w
TheSpineView @ShananigansReads ❤️🧛‍♂️❤️📖❤️ 4w
PageShifter Thank you for the schelude! I get my copy tomorrow!! I am a bit behind with my readings but I am trying to catch-up 4w
BooksNBowls @TheSpineView yes! Thanks!! ❤️ 3w
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repost for @TheSpineView

Lover Eternal is next up for July. Hopefully everyone can find a copy. My small town library has this one in both physical and ebook format. This is Rhage and Mary's story.

Is the weekly recaps working for you or would you prefer just one discussion at the end of the month?

Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list.

original post:


TheSpineView Thanks! 1mo
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#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB

Lover Eternal is next up for July. Hopefully everyone can find a copy. My small town library has this one in both physical and ebook format. This is Rhage and Mary's story.

Is the weekly recaps working for you or would you perfer just one discussion at the end of the month?

Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list.
@PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads

julesG I like the weekly chats, but I am probably going to binge the audiobook in one go again. 1mo
TheSpineView Oh good. Glad the weekly check-in works for you. I binge too and just take notes. 1mo
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ShananigansReads I like the weekly checkins also. 1mo
PageShifter I am fine with everything. I check the discussions a bit late, if you're having them weekly. I should get the book around 18th 1mo
StayCurious I like weekly check ins as well - keeps me on track 1mo
TheSpineView @PageShifter I will always mark the post as containing spoilers so you won't read a post until you are ready. 1mo
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#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB

In these chapters Beth and Wrath have dinner at the mansion. Wrath explains more about vampires to Beth. She stays the night with Wrath and the next day looks through her father's things. She finds out how rich he was and sees a picture of her mother. Mr. X kidnaps a civilian vampire and kills him. José meets with Butch and he insisted that Beth comes into the police station for questioning since another....

TheSpineView Another prostitute has been killed. Butch convinces Jose to let him talk with Beth first. Wrath and Rhage have a fight with some lessors and we meet Rhage's beast he is cursed with. Beth is at home alone and she starts her transition. Butch finds her collapsed and Beth convinces him to take her to Wrath. Wrath sees her safely through the transition. Butch meets Marissa and they are drawn to each other. 1mo
TheSpineView There are some interesting things taking place. I wonder what will happen when Havers finds out Butch is human. I think this will cause a lot of drama. Do you think the warriors will accept Butch into the fold? I like that there is subplots that are as interesting as the main story line. Looking forward to book two, Lover Eternal, which is about Rhage and Mary. @PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom @InkedBookworm13 1mo
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ShananigansReads I forgot how much we learn about the vampire world through Butch. I also love watching Wrath and Beth fall in love. I‘d also forgotten how hateful Havers is. 1mo
julesG Ugh, Havers. I want to send him to therapy. 1mo
julesG Mr X and his cronies give me "The Strain" vibes; with how they are made. 1mo
PageShifter Good that you mentioned the next book! I have it on hold now, I maybe have to join a bit late if the previous reader doesn't return it before their due date 1mo
TheSpineView @julesG @ShananigansReads Havers does need therapy. Maybexsome anger management classes. I get that he feels protective of Marissa but I think something else is also driving his hatred. 1mo
TheSpineView @PageShifter Hopefully you will not have long to wait. 1mo
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I‘m a little behind but I‘ll catch up in no time.

#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB

TheSpineView No worries! ❤️🧛‍♂️ 1mo
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