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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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This is one of those books that has been recommended to me over and over again and I stumbled upon more than once. Now I finally read it! And yes, of course I enjoyed it. I loved the intertwined narration, but for me it could've been more. For someone's who's just starting with this kind of Inception style book it'll be the perfect book. Piranesi is lovely and I enjoyed all the ideas in this book and finding out the truth (a bit too easy for me).

Bookwomble I loved this book - why have I only read it once? I think a re-read is in order 😊 5mo
batsy What @Bookwomble said! 5mo
Jari-chan @Bookwomble @batsy This sure is a book worth reading multiple times! 5mo
julesG I loved the audiobook, which I paired with the print edition. I should reread it, too. 5mo
Jari-chan @julesG You make me interested in the audiobook, I might try this if I'm going to reread it. 5mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Up next!❤️

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I talked my way in to a “fantasy” exhibit at the British Library a few weeks ago and I was delighted to find that they had borrowed Susannah Clarke‘s original drawings of the halls in Piranesi. Absolutely fascinating how she planned it all out!

TrishB I went to this exhibition too- it was amazing! 6mo
Mrs_B I didn‘t realise it was on, I just happened to be passing and saw the sign. It was technically sold out but managed to talk them into squeezing me in. So glad I did!!! @TrishB (edited) 6mo
IuliaC Amazing! 6mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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My February #WrapUp

I think my reading slump is over 🎊🎉
Took long enough (October 23 to mid February 24) 😱
Think this was the longest time I've ever gone without reading.

UwannaPublishme Yay! Glad you‘re over your slump! 🎉📚🎉📚 7mo
Yuki_Onna So glad for you it's over! Reading slumps are tough.😵 7mo
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Ahh, 2018 : the funko pop era was at its peak!!!

I also miss having this many books on my desk. These were the good old days when shelf ready was just a small ominous dot on the horizon.

thegreensofa I love the grey mullet 😁! Or is it David Bowie as one of his alter egos 🤔. I miss David Bowie! (edited) 9mo
Gissy I‘m still a funko fan🙋🏽‍♀️ 9mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Gissy, I downsized my collection - but I love the ones that remain 🤩 9mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @thegreensofa, I had a few from Labyrinth - so pretty sure it was the glitter version of the goblin king 9mo
RaeLovesToRead Aww, I have funko pop Jareth, but mine isn't glittery! Haha 9mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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A highly rated book which turned out to be the opposite for me. I honestly thought it‘s Greek mythology but it turned out differently that confused me. In the end, though it was well written, the story is not my cup of tea. My rating is 2/5. This is the last book for the year for me and I hope for a better read in 2024!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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This small book has a complex story inside it. It took me awhile to understand what was going on and when I did I was totally surprised and a bit uncomfortable for some reason. I think it is quite a difficult read even though it is a short one. I might need to read it again. I also think this story has a quite interesting mental health angles to it.

batsy I loved it a lot when I read it, and I too think it requires a reread! 10mo
emz711 It's a crazy book! So strange that it's so short and feels so long. My brain really melted with this one 10mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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my first tattoo, from my favorite book of all time 💙

BarbaraBB 🤩 10mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Started reading this. I've heard good things.

Bookwomble It is very good 😊 11mo
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