Hi guys!!! I'm new here so bare with me while I figure this thing out🤣 See any of your favorites here?
#laststar #cityoflostsouls #cityoffallenangels #inferno #caraval #theendofoz #apollyon
Biblio.phile The Mortal Instruments 😍 8y
bookish.k Inferno and The End of Oz. I also enjoyed Caraval. 💜 I'm new too 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings Welcome to Litsy!!! 😊❤️🙌📚🎉 8y
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Megabunnyreads This came out soooo pretty!! 8y
literary_dreamer @Biblio.phile right?!?! I love 'em!! I need to do a re read eventually😏 8y
literary_dreamer @bookish.k I haven't actually read any of those ones yet🤢 8y
literary_dreamer @BooksTeasAndBookishThings thank you so much 😊 8y
literary_dreamer @Megabunnyreads thank you😊🖤✨🖤✨ 8y
bookish.k 😂😂 I hope you enjoy them when you get to them. 😊 8y
literary_dreamer @bookish.k I'm sure I will!!! I might read Caraval next, and I adore Dan Brown books🤗 8y
MrBook #NiceStack! And welcome to @Litsy !!! We hope you enjoy your time with us. You won't find a better community of positive, close-knit, passionate bibliophiles than here, imho. ☺️ 8y