Today #bookmail I bought some books, other I got with giveaway. Still waiting 2 to come...
Have you read any of them? Tell me your opinion in the comment.
#dearbridgetiwantyou #penelopeward #vikeeland #theislandhideaway #louisecandlish #alicesadventuresinwonderland #lewiscarrol #lovebydesign #noraroberts #newonmyshelf #litsylove
mom2bugnbee I adore Alice. But there's no doubt that Lewis Carroll was... *ahem*... partaking of some extra-curricular substances when writing. 😉 It isn't for everyone, but I love his wordplay. 7y
maich @mom2bugnbee I always wanted to own english edition. Only read slovenian translate. I adore Alice, watched all movies about her...💝💕 7y
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