"So it is best to start at the beginning."
Excited to take a look at this one! #currentlyreading #twinpeaks #davidlynch #markfrost #itshappeningagain
"So it is best to start at the beginning."
Excited to take a look at this one! #currentlyreading #twinpeaks #davidlynch #markfrost #itshappeningagain
You guys... I can't even... with this book... it's completely gorgeous in its design ❤️ ❤️ ❤️my heart is all a flutter 💓 #markfrost #twinpeaks #davidlynch #whokilledlaurapalmer #wrappedinplastic #dalecooper #gordoncole #bluerose @flatironbooks
"Mysteries are the stories we tell ourselves to contend with life's resistance to our longing for answers."
All I'm missing is a slice of pie. #mystery #TwinPeaks #MarkFrost #damnfinecupofcoffee