Book mail - Ok, we're ready for all the feels.
Book mail - Ok, we're ready for all the feels.
🖤 required reading 🖤 hilarious and gut wrenching ... image unrelated 😂
I am straight up in love with this book. The essay about Helen Keller the cat is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time.
It's so good. So many feels. Worth every bit of hype.
Guysssss I read the excerpt and now I have to live all of the days ahead until 10/24! 😱 Funny to think that by publication I'll be a first time mom to an infant son. It's gonna be a wild and wacky summer/fall, y'all.
Payday book haul! Criminals all around. 🖤
Soooo Sarah Lotz never fails to creep me out. The opening of this book describes a claustrophobic nightmare of a cave exploration that reminded me of the movie The Descent. I could feel my chest tightening throughout... it was rad.
I've finished and now I have so many feels that I have to retire my feels for the evening like my sleepy, wrinkly puggle.
Well this is a fun little serial killer book, perfect for such a lovely day. I'm looking forward to seeing where this series goes as more are released!
Delivered today - I have so much love in my heart for unsettling Japanese fiction. 🖤
We are waiting on the storm while reading. Spot the puggle?
This sucker comes out on my birthday and it's a lovely follow up so far! 🎉
I've been obsessed with the strangeness and darkness of the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale since I was a kid. Now, lookit! It's so beauuuuuutiful 😍
I have received some pretty great book mail lately. Pictures is a sampling of books/bookish nerd gear.
You guys... I can't even... with this book... it's completely gorgeous in its design ❤️ ❤️ ❤️my heart is all a flutter 💓 #markfrost #twinpeaks #davidlynch #whokilledlaurapalmer #wrappedinplastic #dalecooper #gordoncole #bluerose @flatironbooks
This book makes me feel as though it is speaking directly to me and normalizing all the things about myself that tend to be considered "different". I'm already saying I recommend this book and I'm hardly into it - but, unless it takes a sharp turn into pro-cannibalism or something in the later chapters, I feel like it will be well worth the read. Hell, maybe even with the cannibal chapter. ?? Chrome user right here, FTW!
I just wanted this to be more everything. But a quick read that kept my interest well enough.
Every day little stories injected with a good dose of "WTF" as their individual futuristic and sometimes dystopian contexts unfold. Such a fun read! For fans of #SomePossibleSolutions by #HelenPhillips, the short stories of #KarenRussell, old school Twilight Zone, Black Mirror on Netflix... oh and if you're into kink, there's a story in here that you might find. Very intriguing ?
tog, TOG, togging [therapy on the go, therapy+jog] v. also n. The practice of relying upon ITPs (Inner-Ear Therapy Programs) while in a public space, often in the company of others or during social interaction (eating, walking, while in conversation). - Excerpts from The New World Authorized Dictionary
...and on to the next! 📚 I ❤️my Nashville Public Library.
Holy "what the freaking hell"! Make this one of your first October reads. 'Tis the season to be utterly disturbed, spooked, and disoriented - all in the best way possible. One of my favorite releases of the year. @JasonArnopp - well done!
It's the little things in life. Coloring, flowers, and swearing: all things that I enjoy. #booknerd #coloring #swearing #fun #stressreliever
So excited about my library holds arriving! 😍
This is one fucked up group of humans. I enjoyed watching (well, reading) the train wreck. After all, we all go a little mad sometimes 😉
I'm about half way through this one, and while I am enjoying the pacing and the characters, I just hit a big reveal that I called from the very beginning. I really hope there's more than meets the eye here and things get topsy turvy.
Yaaaaasssss #BookoftheMonth - @Liberty 's pick this time around. Book mail is the best. THE BEST.
Very spooky, mostly because watching Twin Peaks when I was a child resulted in the idea of doppelgängers being the creepiest thing ever in the universe to me. I flew through this one.
So good. I will really miss these characters. For some reason it kept striking me throughout that one day Stephen King will die. I don't know how I'd cope with that, as I've been reading him since childhood. BUT NOT TODAY, SATAN!
Ok, book recommended by so many people, change my disorganized and chaotic life. Party hat added for authenticity.
So many things to love: a ghost story, vengeance on a hipster douche bag playboy professor, a hole in the wall bar and lots of drinking, family bonding with lots of snark and sarcasm, and loyal pets. Also refreshingly inclusive of a lesbian couple without making their identities "The Lesbian Couple".
My very first manga, d'aww. And of course I loved it as it was absolutely bonkers in all the best ways 😍
Richard Estep gives great podcast interviews. His new release, Asylum 49, reminded me that I hadn't checked out this one yet!
Most unsettling (in any sense) books I've read so far within the past 12 mos:
Naomi's Room
I'm Thinking of Ending Things
Between the World and Me
The Hike
Ghost Summer: Stories
Day Four
Modern Romance
What about yours?
This was an enjoyable read, and for a debut novel certainly well done, but something about the writing style just didn't do it for me. It felt too loose. Maybe borrow from a friend or your library, though, because you'll still want to finish it, so I do give her credit for an effective plot that keeps you turning pages.
What. The. Actual. Fuck. I thought I was losing my mind by the end of this one.
I know I needed another book as much as I need a hole in the head (oh wait, cause see I always need another book and I do want to get my nose re-pierced, sooo...) and was psyched to find this had arrived today! Anyone read it and have sky high level overall spoiler free thoughts?
I am continually impressed by how insightful this creepy little book is. But solid insight is what makes something creepy and unsettling in the first place IMO.
GF: “It seems like more people, if not depressed, are unhappy these days. Would you agree?”
Jake: “I‘m not sure I‘d say that. It does seem like there‘s more opportunity to reflect on sadness and feelings of inadequacy, and also a pressure to be happy all the time. Which is impossible.”