Saaame! Happy Monday!
AREs are in and just LOOK at this gorgeous cover. We‘re so excited that THE MERMAID AND MRS. HANCOCK author Imogen Hermès Gower has been shortlisted for the Women‘s Prize for Fiction in the UK, and even MORE excited to be publishing the US edition of this exquisite debut in September 2018. Pre-order today: bit.ly/MermaidandMrsUS
#MermaidandMrs #MermaidandMrsUS #ImogenHermesGowar #debut #mermaidmonday #historicalfiction #magicalrealism
Happy #mermaidmonday and #mapmonday💦🌎💦🌍💦🌏💦 Do you have a favorite book map? I'm pretty partial to the map of Middle Earth. You just can't beat a classic!
#happilyeverafterapril17 Mermaid Monday, #dreambunnybookishapril #starswholistenapril Map Monday. #bookishfools Fictional Crush, #acourtofaprilchallenge #nrbbcapril17 Beauty and the Beast
#frenchiefantasyapril #ampersandapril17 #bookishpotter17 #fangirlaprilchallenge #bookishoscars17