@Kshakal I mailed your #CBBC package today ☕️
@Mommamanzi #CoffeeBeanBookClub
@Kshakal I mailed your #CBBC package today ☕️
@Mommamanzi #CoffeeBeanBookClub
It‘s been an over-full reading week and I‘m only just now sitting down to read this week‘s section of Last of the Mohicans for #LMMAdjacent #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead. 🙃 How‘s everyone else‘s reading coming along? Are you enjoying the book so far?
Since we started this podcast we have read one Flashman book a year. This year we read book five, “Flashman in the Great Game.“ This time we follow Flashman to India as he becomes involved in the Indian Rebellion of 1857. But before we discuss our latest Flashman book, Matt makes a point about Christmas and Peter discusses texting Matt's Dad about books.
Continuing this book while our littlest attends her first birthday party without me 😭. She is quite shy so staying near by in the car in case she wants to leave early. And yes the snow has been gone for a couple of weeks and now this is what it looks like after last night's dumping 🙁
I'm loving this book so far. The descriptions of how she sees music are beautiful! I've been fully transported into the book and I just want to keep reading!
#LittensLoveRomance - although we just had another snow storm where I live, it is in fact nearly April which means it‘s time to vote for our next read. We‘re going back to high school this month-vote here: https://forms.gle/jrYDzQttSkqUemcj9 and as always, let me know if you want to be added or removed from the main tag list.
She held on to it with both hands. “Thank you.” She would keep it as a reminder of what she could have lost if she hadn‘t been so blind to what was right in front of her.
#SleepingBeautysSpindle #ShonnaSlayton #FairyTaleInheritance #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookstack #bookstacks #stack #stacks #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #bookshelfies #Fantasy #Retellings #YoungAdult #HistoricalFiction #Romance #FairyTales #Magic #Historical 💟
I‘ve been listening to Celtic music all month for #Ireland #foodandlit except when listening to this book. 11+ hours to go. @Catsandbooks
Thanks to these Litsy folks for today‘s prompt:
Today‘s Prompt: MUSIC
Leeba lived in the Jewish section of Chicago, had an ear for music, and worked in a music store.
WINDY CITY BLUES is set in Chicago during the coming of the Blues Era.
FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/3h6khe63
Repost for @dabbe
#ShardlakeBR #ShardlakeSeriesBR
Hello Shardlakians! Hope everybody is enjoying HEARTSONE. I‘m finding it hard to stop reading!
Our next discussion will be this Monday 31/3, over chapters 1-26. Have a fabulous weekend! 🤩