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My list! It‘s here a little late, but it‘s here nonetheless.
#WickedWhispersDay 31. Mask#Mask
#WickedWhispersDay 30. Blood#Blood
#WickedWhispersDay 29. Dread#Dread
#WickedWhispersDay 28. Evil#Evil
#WickedWhispersDay 27. Grave#Grave
#WickedWhispersDay 26. Trick#Trick
#WickedWhispersDay 25. Shadow#Shadow
#WickedWhispersDay 24. Potion#Potion
#WickedWhispersDay 23. Mystery#Mystery#SherlockHolmes
#WickedWhispersDay 22. Monster#Monster
#WickedWhispersDay 8. Zombie#Zombie
#WickedWhispersDay 7. Spells#Spells
#WickedWhispersDay 6. Howl#Howl
#WickedWhispersDay 5. Cadaver#Cadaver
#WickedWhispersDay 4. Disguise#Disguise
#WickedWhispersDay 3. Bats#Bats
#WickedWhispersDay 2. Gruesome #gruesome
#WickedWhispersDay 1. Pumpkin#Pumpkin
#SchoolSpiritDay 30. Desk#Desk
#SchoolSpiritDay 29. Lunch#Lunch
#SchoolSpiritDay 28. Paper #Paper
#SchoolSpiritDay 27. Crayon#Crayon
#SchoolSpiritDay 26. Backpack#Backpack
My #BookSpin list for October.🎃
#SchoolSpiritDay 25. Homework#Homework
#SchoolSpiritDay 24. Poems#PoemsOn my TBR!
#SchoolSpiritDay 23. Bicycle #Bicycle
#SchoolSpiritDay 22. Principal#PrincipalI went with Vice Principal Vernon from The Breakfast Club.
#SchoolSpiritDay 21. Play#Play
#SchoolSpiritDay 20. Teams#Teams
#SchoolSpiritDay 19. Band#Band
#SchoolSpiritDay 18. Essays#essays
#SchoolSpiritDay 17. Diary#Diary
#SchoolSpiritDay 16. Paint#Paint
#SchoolSpirit Day 15. Pencil#Pencil
#SchoolSpiritDay 14. Homecoming #Homecoming
#SchoolSpiritDay13. Graduation#graduation
#SchoolSpiritDay 12. Field Trip#FieldTrip
#SchoolSpiritDay 11. Mascot#MascotUniversity of Nebraska‘s Mascot. (Or one of them, at least.)
#SchoolSpiritDay 10. Bus#Bus
#SchoolSpiritDay 9. Memories#Memories
#SchoolSpiritDay 8. Boarding School#BoardingSchool
#SchoolSpiritDay 7. Sports#Sports
#SchoolSpiritDay 6. Library#Library
#SchoolSpiritDay 5. Apple#Apple
#SchoolSpiritDay 4. College#College
#SchoolSpiritDay 3. Professor #Professor
#SchoolSpiritDay 2. Bell#Bell
Here is my September bookspin!