I often find parenting books boring, condescending, and/or unrealistic. This one was refreshingly simple and straightforward. I mainly listened to the #audiobook and read along (during our long trip home from the beach yesterday) and the narration by the British author was 👍🏻. There are definitely wise points throughout that I hope to utilize in my parenting journey. Main takeaways: behaviors are feelings, feelings aren't good/bad - just are,⬇️
Chelsea.Poole as parents, the feelings our children have remind us of our own experiences and it is uncomfortable so we like to ignore, scold, or undermine valid feelings in our children. This book encourages empathy for our kids and discussing the feeling at the root of the behavior, no matter the age of the child. Being aware of how we were treated as children is helpful when parenting the next generation. #parenting #nonficiton 5y
Smrloomis Oh! This actually sounds good 😂 Can you tell I‘ve mostly read the books you‘re talking about - boring, condescending & unrealistic? 5y