I participated in a book chain letter and it actually worked!! I love getting surprise books in the mail! #theamazingadventuresofkavalierandclay #peopleofthebook #theotherboleyngirl #hermothershope
I participated in a book chain letter and it actually worked!! I love getting surprise books in the mail! #theamazingadventuresofkavalierandclay #peopleofthebook #theotherboleyngirl #hermothershope
I really loved a couple of her other books but this one didn't grab me. I don't think it's the fault of the story either - it was well told. I just think I'm a bit over stories - no matter how historically accurate - where women are treated like property. And I struggled to find a character I really connected with so it lacked some of the impact that #peopleofthebook and #yearofwonders had for me. But it was an interesting story overall.
Starting a new audio book today! #peopleofthebook #geraldinebrooks #amazingauthor