Yeah....I'm one of those people who loved reading this one, and then I found a fresh copy of Book Two (The Story of a New Name) for $7.50 at Powell's❣️#powellsbookstore #theneapolitannovels #elenaferrante #europaeditions
Yeah....I'm one of those people who loved reading this one, and then I found a fresh copy of Book Two (The Story of a New Name) for $7.50 at Powell's❣️#powellsbookstore #theneapolitannovels #elenaferrante #europaeditions
It's world book day!
So here is one of my favorite books from my favorites series. If you haven't read it then do yourself a favor and put it on your tbr.
#happyworldbookday #powellsbookstore
The Friends and Family event was a success. Trying to not go back and buy more lol.
#bookwormproblems #powellsbookstore
When you find a bag of books you bought at Powell's two months ago "hidden" in your closet?. One part of me says "yay!" and another part says "Really, Leslie??" #WEBDuBois #thesoulsofblackfolk #davidleveringlewis #powellsbookstore #readsoulit #biographies