From the TBR shelf- finally reading this royal memoir
If you thought your family was dysfunctional you might want to compare it to this one. I credit Harry‘s ghostwriter, J.R. Moehringer, as well as Harry‘s voice for making this as interesting as it was. It‘s amazing what little a royal knows about the real world once they are pushed out of the clan (even though he seemed to know a lot about how to get by in the military). I‘m glad he wrote this - I‘m glad he could finally tell his side of things.
“If journalists could use the mighty powers vested in them for evil, then democracy was in sorry shape.”
There were parts of this book that made me feel empathy and sorrow. There were parts of this book that affirmed for me the disconnect between the rich and the rest of us. While he tried to express acknowledgment of his privilege, I‘m not sure he fully understands the depths of it. That being said, I would never wish his lifelong experience and spotlight from the paparazzi and the gossip rags on anyone.
I enjoyed this. Surprisingly to me, Prince Harry is very relatable, has done amazing work and seems like a down to earth person. I empathized with his struggles of losing his mother, the strife it caused him throughout his life and terror he‘s felt from the paparazzi. I don‘t think anyone could handle the harassment he and Meghan have faced. Fame and royalty are not for the faint of heart-I had no idea the imposition on privacy was so extreme.
“I love my Mother Country, and I love my family, and I always will. I just wish, at the second-darkest moment of my life, they'd been there for me too…
And I believe they'll look back one day and wish they had too.”
An intriguing book with many eye opening moments! I enjoyed listening to Prince Harry tell his own story and I hope in him being able to do so helps him find peace.
2 thumbs up, 5 stars, best read of 2024, and it will be hard to beat! Disclaimer: I've never been overly interested in the royals, never really followed what was going on outside of what made I headines. I didn't listen to this book when it first came out, there was so much talk about it that I didn't want it to influence my thoughts and again, I was just never that overly interested. Several people personally recommended this(cont in comments)...
1. My middle name is my aunt‘s name.
2. Tagged only because I assume Prince Harry is named after someone, this question was hard ☺️
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView Tagging @JenReadsAlot @Kshakal @BethM #Two4tuesday