Just a few book I picked up at B&N today and the bag was feee 🙌🏽 … not that I need more on my tbr pile but I got them anyway 🙌🏽📚
Just a few book I picked up at B&N today and the bag was feee 🙌🏽 … not that I need more on my tbr pile but I got them anyway 🙌🏽📚
An actual note I made in my iBooks app. He‘s returning to his home and the love of his life after five years, can you NOT 😂 #wulfgarsonofbuzzkillington #hero #salvatore #legendofdrizzt
It‘s a little wonky pre-block but I think when it‘s finished my nanny will love it! I chose this bright purple because she won‘t wear “old lady colors” 😂 Gonna do some #audioknitting this afternoon and try to knock out this shawl ♥️ #knittersoflitsy #hero #salvatore
Diese Bücher habe ich heute geschenkt bekommen! 🎁