A fresh batch of #speculaas and almond/coconut cookies and a fantastic #buddyread reading #TheDevilAndTheDarkWater... What more to wish for on a Saturday? 😍🍪⛵ #ambaking #amreading
A fresh batch of #speculaas and almond/coconut cookies and a fantastic #buddyread reading #TheDevilAndTheDarkWater... What more to wish for on a Saturday? 😍🍪⛵ #ambaking #amreading
I guess my cookie decorating skills aren't exactly up to standard, but it is the thought that counts right? 😅😂 Also: sorry ginger cookies fans, but these are actually #speculaas flavored cookies. 😁 #dutchcookies #ambaking #christmasbaking
I was in the mood for baking today and feeling nostalgic, so I decided to prepare these typical Dutch almond paste 'spice cookies' AKA #speculaas . Just what we needed with this cold winter weather we're having down here!! 😍😍 And the smell is divine.
#ambaking #typicaldutch #gevuldespeculaas #sweettooth