⭐️⭐️⭐️ I don‘t know… He‘s gone through a lot and I wish him the best. Parts of the book were engaging. I don‘t want to minimize his very real challenges, but also, he‘s so incredibly privileged and pampered that it‘s a little exasperating listening to what seems like the same cycle on repeat for decades. From the book his growth seems sort of surface level and the story is not particularly satisfying.
Larkken I was reading online that he targets Keanu Reeves in this multiple times and for no good reason… maybe I‘m just blinded by being #teamkeanu, but it seemed petty and didn‘t make me want to read this one lol 😝 1y
fredthemoose I heard that, too, but that he was removing the references for future printings. I didn‘t notice them in the audiobook, so I‘m not sure what they were. 🤷♀️ The book was fine enough when you‘re looking for a quick, easy read, but I don‘t think anyone is missing much by skipping it. 1y
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