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Joined September 2016

She/her Grad school survivor & chronic fantasy and speculative fiction reader. On Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/11989434-larkin
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Reading my May #bookspin now for June #bookspinbingo credit = similar to feelings during my academic career... 😇😂😏

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Bright Young Women | Jessica (Author) Knoll
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The anger in the tagged is incandescent and it pulled the novel to my number one spot in May. It asks, aren't you also tired of all the talk surrounding perpetrators of crimes against women that be moans the "promise" of these "bright young men?"

Also enjoyed : Diavola, Station Eleven (#AAM), and SGJ's latest. And it looks like I'm all caught up on Twain so I can properly enjoy James! But I'm doing badly on #bookspin picks yet again + no bingo ?

Larkken I really thought I'd like the Taylor (#readyourebooks) more than I did? But I'll still try the next St Mary's since I've already bought them all 🤣. Hopefully the next has less sexual assault/other blame stuff that made this more heavy than romp... 2mo
CBee Great review! I thought Bright Young Women was really well done too 👍🏻 (edited) 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress for May!! 2mo
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Looking forward to my #readyourebooks choice this month as I‘ve shockingly not tried a Jodi Foster bk yet tho they seem right up my alley.
Tagged is #bookspin and #doublespin is Wide Sargasso Sea (which I‘m happy to finally be reading with the #hashtagbrigade)
#aam is giving me the excuse to pick up Station Eleven
So it looks like a game of catch up all round, and not least in #roll100
Hope y‘all having just as much fun this May!

PuddleJumper 💜💜 3mo
CBee I just finished #20 and really liked it 🐙 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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Just a small shout out to everyone who nominated books for #camplitsy24 - the books above were my top choices among those that did not make it onto the official camp roster. They immediately went onto my tbr anyway! I would not have had them on my radar if it was not for the longlist, and that would have been a shame. The library hold on the tagged is only 2 weeks out and I'm looking forward to the hilarity promised #blamelitsy

Bookwormjillk I‘m really looking forward to that one too! 3mo
Megabooks I‘m looking forward to Margo, too! I‘ve preordered it, but it doesn‘t come out until June 11, so a bit longer to wait. 😩 Great list of titles!! The longlist is always so wonderful. Littens are the best!! 3mo
Larkken @Megabooks doh. You‘re right about the release date here too, I read the notification wrong, it will be available to put on hold in two weeks 😆🤦🏻‍♀️ welp, guess I‘m ready 3mo
squirrelbrain Great idea to post your favourites! The longlist is a real issue for TBR lists isn‘t it?! 🤣 I also really want to read the tagged, and have just started Martyr!, which I wasn‘t sure if I would like, but seems great so far. 3mo
BarbaraBB My tbr has exploded too! And I really want to read Godwin and Last Days in Plaka! (edited) 3mo
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Hello Beautiful | Ann Napolitano

Urg must stop listening to this at work (it is bad form to cry on evidence). 🙈😂
Does anyone else feel like the blurbs for this were very bad? They should ALL have said something about the Little Women homage. I do NOT feel prepared lol.

Family Lore: A Novel | Elizabeth Acevedo
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Tagged is my favorite read from April - but I had four other 5-star reads, which is impressive!
Acevedo's first book for adults, in all its magical realism glory, was just too moving. I appreciated the breadth of female and immigrant experiences in this book about 4 magical sisters from the D.R. and their families. As ever, Acevedo's own narration in her audiobooks is not to be missed.
Oh! And my first #bookspinbingo of 2024! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!!! 3mo
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I read and enjoyed these books for March and April‘s #aam picks.
The Harper was a solid thriller but I don‘t know that I‘ll seek out more of hers.
I had tried Ozeki before and been lukewarm, but was happy I tried again with her Booker-winner. The parts I was most engaged with were the ones set in the monastery.
Yay for a challenge I‘m doing well at! (not that finding new authors is a hardship 😜)

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A break in the storms -> I collected ramps on a little hike -> dying of boredom waiting for the pine nuts to toast up for the pesto 😝
Guess I'll read my book and try not to get too distracted so the nuts don't burn...

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This was a fantastic #naturalitsy read that combined travel journalism with the natural history of the eight extant bear species. My local zoo has a sloth bear, and he‘s always been a bit of a mystery to me, and learning about all the other mysterious species was equally charming. Tho I could have done without knowing that bear farming is a thing. Hope reading it is a joy for you too, @AllDebooks

Hooked_on_books I read this last summer and loved it. I‘m with you on the bear farming. That was hard to read about. 3mo
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It was a hard task, but I managed to choose the six recent releases that I thought would be most fun to buddy-read with you all 🤗 (as opposed to omg-this-is-going-on-my-kindle-tomorrow bingeable #bookdragon territory). Did you vote yet?
I‘m so happy ya‘ll are hosting again this year, and the spreadsheet @squirrelbrain put together is 👩‍🍳💋. My TBR is much bigger, thanks littens for letting me know of all those juicy new books I was overlooking!

squirrelbrain You‘re welcome - thank you for voting! So many good books to choose from -it was almost impossible. ❤️ 3mo
BarbaraBB Thank you for voting! 🩵 3mo
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The Spirit Bares Its Teeth | Andrew Joseph White
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I actually just finished this YA Victorian horror novel and it perfectly fits today‘s #springskies prompt since the main protagonist is a transmasc autistic teen. #neurodivergent
This was really well done if brutal and touches on so many very modern issues that the historical setting only helped to highlight. I‘ve been on a YA-avoidance kick lately, but I‘m happy the cover of this one made me dive in anyway.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover 💜💛 3mo
Eggs Brilliant 👏🏻👏🏻 3mo
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Good news! I have my personal shortlist narrowed down to 11 with 19 runners-up 😭 #camplitsy24
I'll mull which would be most fun to buddy read rather than devour immediately in one sitting today and hopefully vote tonight 🫣

dabbe Holy guacamole, Batman! What research! 😮🤩🤗 3mo
squirrelbrain Oh you‘re nearly there then! 🤪 And you could be my #spreadsheetsoulmate 🤣 3mo
BarbaraBB I am still mulling too 🤯 3mo
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Kitta Love the spreadsheet highlighting! I should have done that and put more effort in. I picked two memoir, two scifi and two literary fiction based on what was on my tbr. 3mo
Larkken @dabbe @squirrelbrain @Kitta spreadsheets are my happy place, so my Sunday was well spent 🦸‍♀️ 3mo
Larkken @Kitta ooh nice approach! I like the potential variety 😍 3mo
Sace While I am not voting (and I‘m on the fence about participating) I am doing some similar highlighting. Mind you, I have more than enough to read already but I cannot resist having more recommendations. 3mo
BarbaraJean Hahaha--I love this!! I also have a spreadsheet going with my research, but your color-coding takes it up a notch! My ranking system goes: Nah, Eh, Maybe, OK, Yes, and YES. With two for YES and eight for Yes, I'm only about 60% through the list 😂 3mo
Larkken @Sace Oh, there are definitely some books that are going on my “read it NOW” list rather than my “wouldn‘t this be a great buddy read? It warrants a thoughtful approach” list 🫣😆 Such a great resource! And I thought there wasn‘t much coming out this spring that I wanted to read, lol. 3mo
Larkken @BarbaraJean That definitely sounds about right - ranking and otherwise! Your gradient approach is just word-based! 😂 3mo
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It's been a long week, but i thought I'd post this #5joysfriday a bit late to change my mindset for the weekend @DebinHawaii
1. My experimental English muffins turned out tasty if flat 😋
2. Took the time to go to the library for a change
3. The weather turned chilly enough that I can put off yardwork a little longer
4/5. These cuties allowed for snuggles this week, and the cat usually isn't into them, so I'll take it!

DebinHawaii Aww… love your joy list & hope it brightens your weekend! 💛💛💛 I am impressed by those English muffins & when cats allow the snuggles, that‘s a true joy! 🐱💛 Thank you for joining in! 🤗 3mo
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I've been...Not great?.. in posting my reads lately, & I'm not sure what's worth posting now 🤪
Case in point: March! Well, at least my fav (tagged) should get a shout out. Spot on cougar narration, man! If they were to do things like narrate, that is.
+ I'm impressed I got through so many #tob2024/#LitsyToB24 selections! I plan to continue with those lists, but possibly not very diligently, given that the tournament-immediacy is, um, over.

BarbaraBB Haha no hurry indeed! However, CampLitsy is approaching 😀😀 3mo
Larkken @BarbaraBB exactly! So many new shinies to get into instead 😇😍 3mo
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A color-co-ordinated #camplitsy24 nomination for y'all:
⛺️Diavola - Jennifer Thorne
🏕️ The Morningside - Tea Obreht
🪵 Exordia - Seth Dickinson
🌲 Sociopath: A Memoir - Patric Gagne
Can't wait for the tbr explosion of the longlist!

Megabooks Ooo! Fantastic choices! I‘m on the list for Diavola at the library! 3mo
squirrelbrain Thanks for nominating! I‘m really interested in Sociopath. 3mo
BarbaraBB And a new Obreht! Thanks you for joining again. An explosion it will be I guess 💥 3mo
Larkken @Megabooks @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB thank you all for hosting! I really liked this pace and format last year and I hope I can keep up again this year! 🤗 3mo
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Hiatus | L. A. Witt
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I've been lurking and reading but haven't had the energy to post. So hello! Here's the list I've been reading off of this month. I'll be tentatively poking around at these challenges and buddy reads, as ever. 👋 #bookspin #roll100 #readyourebooks #naturalitsy #noplacelikeholmes #LitsySciFiBookClub

Boys Weekend | Mattie Lubchansky
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Newly transitioned, non-binary Sammie goes on a debauched bachelor‘s weekend for their best friend from before they transitioned. They contend with micro- and macro aggressions as they try to figure out if these relationships are worth saving - literally saving, as it turns out, since the weekend happens at the site of an apocalyptic cults‘ bid to awaken their eldritch god. So… lots going on. The part with the clones felt most thought-out. ⬇️

Larkken I am confused (? Conflicted?), however, by this book‘s inclusion in #tob2024. What were the judges thinking? It‘s unlike anything else on the bracket, is uneven in its dealing with some themes, and is really unlikely to go far, given the historical decisions made by judges. This feels like a one-off, a “hey, why not?” And I feel like it deserves better than a footnote in a literary contest. Or is that unfair, and placing these kinds of books in ⬇️ (edited) 5mo
Larkken The public discourse should be a POINT of the #tob? What do y‘all think? I don‘t think it‘s a perfect book, but that also shouldn‘t necessarily be the point of the tourney, and it does have some great themes even if I think other authors/books/formats have done them in a way I thought held together better or at least that I appreciated more. 5mo
TieDyeDude I've never heard of the Tournament of Books. Is that a new thing? I have the same conflicting thoughts about the Oscars, though. Is it patronizing to put a movie on the ballot that has no chance of winning but deserves recognition, or is it “an honor just to be nominated“? 5mo
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Larkken @TieDyeDude Tob has been around for a while, but I've only started reading books from it in the past couple of years bc they are always outside my comfort zone and I usually find a new author to obsess over from every year. Here's the website if you're curious https://www.tournamentofbooks.com. However, I've been enjoying even more the ersatz #LitsyToB crew that's been active... Due to general disaffection with the official short list, 🔽 5mo
Larkken @Megabooks @squirrelbrain and @BarbaraBB organized a vote and a separate shortlist ? and a mini readalong camp last summer. It's been fun integrating my "find authors outside my go-to list" quest with the comradery of the litsy fam. (edited) 5mo
Larkken @TieDyeDude but also, yes! You're right, my feelings are very similar to how I feel about the Oscars. I'm impatient with both groups for having "go-to" authors/directors but then annoyed at the token genre picks that are elevated to being worth recognition -why just them? 5mo
Hooked_on_books I liked seeing this on the TOB list because it‘s topical and different. I‘m glad they included it. But I agree, I don‘t want it to suffer from tokenism, and I‘m concerned it will, especially since it‘s going up against the National Book Award winner in the first round. That seems a little unfair. I‘m really curious to read the judgement for the pairing and see how the judge deals with this. 5mo
Larkken @Hooked_on_books oh man, I didn‘t realize Blackouts was a winner in other award venues already. I hadn‘t gotten to it yet myself. That will be… interesting 🤨 5mo
BkClubCare The ToB is unashamedly absurd - the whole point is that you CANNOT pick a “winner”! Read the history and explanation; I never try to take any of it too seriously. Yes, highlighting obscure offerings to the “battles” is somewhat what they want to do to make it all very interesting to discuss books for book-sake. I am enjoying the tourney this week very much even if I was half enthused about a few titles. 4mo
Larkken @BkClubCare yeah, fair, the absurdity is fun, also I like to read the judgements and feel inadequate in how think about books (🙃 kidding! Mostly). But also I think tokenism in any form is damaging. To me, it‘s like saying that the majority of *something* that is like the one example chosen is generally forgettable, but this one thing can be elevated as somehow worthy. And to that, I absolutely balk. (edited) 4mo
BkClubCare @Larkken - okay, I can accept and ponder that. Or,also,maybe? I would have zero exposure and most of the ToB crowd, if you will, would welcome the introduction to these works of art. I appreciate the opening of my mind, introduction to new ideas and perspectives. I certainly understand that this is not meant to be “hey look, this is the best of Xyz”! Celebrate it as an example. (edited) 4mo
BkClubCare Plus, the commentariat really tends to try and keep it informed, respectful, considerate of all angles of analysis. I learn so much and this challenges me and my reading motivations. 4mo
Larkken @BkClubCare the judges and the thoughtful interaction with the books is def my fav part! No complaints on that score - I love how much I learn about the books and even why I engaged with a book how I did just by reading the judgements et al. Even when it‘s a genre or a book I know fairly well, my reading is always deepened by the experience! 🥰 4mo
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Princess Bride!
Also: Misery/the Shining, Hogfather, and Coraline.
I wonder if I can find Hogfather to buy on Amazon or if it still holds up 🤔

BookmarkTavern Some great choices! Thanks for sharing! 5mo
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Argylle: A Novel | Elly Conway
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This is the second book I‘ve read this year that was supposed to be a spy novel but was really something else in spy clothing! I‘m giving the first a pass bc it was the first George Smiley and le Carre basically created the genre… but this book has no such excuse. This is a heist novel and it tries a little too hard to be Hollywood, even if it is a movie tie-in.

Photo is of a cow butt I saw in Denver for no good reason. Just thought it was fun…

Texreader 😂😂😂 5mo
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Slainte | Hassett Hassett
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Happy March #bookspin and # doublespin time! I'm in catch-up mode for #TOB and #LitsyToB and then I'll be looking into a few other rather-neglected challenges...

Vaster Wilds | Lauren Groff
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Making slow headway in February on many challenges, though I did enjoy the tagged book for #AuthorAMonth and downloaded a couple more Groffs to my ever-growing ebook backlog. She sure writes a lovely sentence, tho the book was brutal in parts.
Fav of the month: prob Rachel Incident?
I DNF'd my #bookspin (American Mermaid)
+ finished another of @vivastory #AuldLangSpine picks which was also fun (The Art Thief)
A good month!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 5mo
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Fourth Wing | Rebecca Yarros
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I read it (how could I avoid it? It was fun, whatevs, will read the next...) but can now only think of Anne McCaffrey (rip), the O.G. of thirsty, violent people with psychic bonds to large flying reptiles. I dunno if all the Tairn/Andarna/Violet stans are aware? But they should go read The White Dragon immediately.
#popsugar24 about dragons
#52bookclub24 author everyone has read but me

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Ascension | Nicholas Binge
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This was a fun if silly Eldritch horror to listen to on a roadtrip. There were some clear Lovecraftian influences - my husband and I started counting the number of characters driven mad by existential dread - and the creatures were fun, even if the plot was predictable and the author was unable to reconcile the genius/everyman/tragic background tendencies of the MC. Could have used a good edit, and some checks on the underlying physics.

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The Rachel Incident: A novel | Caroline O'Donoghue
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Today brings you a tale of 2 #toblonglist titles because for both I found the MC to be extremely relatable… but for the tagged, this meant the 20-something self-involvedness & resulting life implosion was cringe but i rooted for her; & yet the American Mermaid mc is making me want to hide in shared shame and bail... Weird how that shared characteristic is affecting me so differently. Does AM get more fun, all yall who've read it for #tob2024?

Larkken Otherwise, this looks like a clear case of #litsytob2024 supremacy over the official Tob list😅 5mo
BarbaraBB @Larkken 🙌🏽 5mo
squirrelbrain Hooray - #litsytob2024 for the win! I haven‘t read AM, but loved The Rachel Incident. 5mo
Larkken @squirrelbrain i thought RI did as well as anything I‘ve read depicting the complicated feelings over an unwanted pregnancy and its loss and then I loved that it ended on a sweet note, so def a win for me ☺️ 5mo
BkClubCare Same!! I gave RI a 5⭐️ but just couldn‘t seem to get into AM and yet… yet! It seemed like one I would like! My reading mojo is super confused anymore. 5mo
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Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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Last book read in Jan was for #authoramonth and it rounded out a solid month of reading! I liked the simplicity bordering on mockery and the thoughts on literature and reading. When you next meet a novel-hater, this book has a quote for you to deploy at them. #52bookclub24 bibliosmia #popsugar24 self-pub
Most enjoyed reads have arrows, & of them Friday Black was my fav. 1984 gets a mustache #iykyk & I appreciate more having read it than reading it

An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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Read (late as per usual) for @Mitch #goldenageofcrime buddy read in December. I think i needed to be a scholar of UK politics to even guess the killer, but i enjoyed the ride 🙃 somehow, the fact that politics was so divisive in the past as well as today is oddly... Comforting?
#52bookclub24 book cover w/o people on it
#popsugar24 set in the snow

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I‘ve decided to use the #readyourebooks challenge in tandem with #roll100 since my roll100 list is so very long that ebooks that I bought because I was truly excited about them, and not just because they were on sale, are a bit buried. It was nice to go back through the list and pick out those much-anticipated titles that I‘ve been hoarding, languished forgotten on my kindle, haha. Let‘s gooo!

CBee So glad it can work for other challenges 😊 Hart and Mercy was 🔥 6mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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New month, new list! I did NOT do great at #bookspin and #roll100 challenges in January, lol, and I‘d like to do better this time… We‘ll see how I do while I try to keep on track with the #ToB and #LitsyToB lists… maybe I should join more challenges instead? 🫣

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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I managed to read only two books off of the generous #AuldLangSpine list from @vivastory - the tagged and Call for the Dead - however, this anthology is my fav read this month and I wouldn‘t be surprised if it pops up on my best-of-2024… The stories are all great, but I really knew I was in love when I finished the stories in the retail cycle; the way it went from zombie story to end with making connections in the modern world was breathtaking.

Larkken …but I am partway through a third (or maybe more like 2.5th? I am currently reading the actual George Smiley novel on your list, haha) and am anxiously awaiting another that I put on library hold as soon as I read the list (The Art Thief)! 6mo
Librarybelle Very interesting! 6mo
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BarbaraBB That book sounds awesome. #stacked 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 6mo
vivastory I'm happy to see that you liked this one so much! After Friday Black & Chain Gang etc, I will def be reading anything that Adjeni-Brenyah releases. I will be curious on your thoughts on the Smiley book. That is one that has really stuck with me since finishing. It has a lot to say about the ethics of government agencies. Art Thief is such a wild book, I listened to it & that worked well. It was like listening to a really bizarre podcast. 6mo
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I liked the meditative aspects of this book and found I was enjoying it “in the background.” It set a mood, rather than told a story. Some of the memoir-y parts came off a little bitter, maybe, which didn‘t seem like it worked with the vibe? But also seemed pretty true to May, so I dunno. Based on everyone‘s feedback from the #NaturaLitsy and #Midwintersolace buddyread, I may enjoy May‘s first book more than this one :) Thanks, Midwinter team!

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The Guest: A Novel | Emma Cline
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At heart, this is a book about the hustle from a morally ambivalent working girl trying to leave the life but it has some interesting subtext about classism and multiple plays on “staying afloat” that was clever. More interesting than pure hot girl problems would be on their own, anyway. #tob2024
Photo is of the Hamptons, which is where internet peoples say it is set, though I assumed Long Island? Lol. Less posh there, I guess.

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Cooking for Picasso | C A Belmond, Camille Aubray
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I… honestly don‘t know. There were too many threads going in this book. #butwhatofthepitcher? #justiceforjulie 😬
#sundaybuddyread was enjoyable as always, though! @TheBookHippie
#Popsugar2024 set in a travel destination on my bucket list (south of France - oh, the foooddd!)
#52books24 chapter headings have dates

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Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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For today's #hyggehour I realized my new bibbed ski pants are basically a more mobile version of a sleeping bag blanket... With pockets. 🤯 where were these two weeks ago?! They will be making a reappearance next week 😉
In other #hyggehug news, Northanger Abbey is snarky! Good cozy fun.

TheBookHippie Oooooo that‘s amazing!!! 6mo
Chrissyreadit 🎉🎉🎉 6mo
IndoorDame Cozy and clever!!! 6mo
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BarbaraBB Those trousers 🥰 I want them! 6mo
Larkken @BarbaraBB they are from Cotopaxi and were heavily on sale at Scheels - do you have this store around you? They apparently think winter is over based on all the spring stuff they are selling. No one told them about February? 6mo
BarbaraBB I don‘t know that shop but I will google the brand and ding out if they sell them here too! Thanks! 6mo
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Holly: A Novel | Stephen King
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This was entertaining enough to listen to when it was super cold and I needed a cozy distraction; I listened to it while crocheting this toy T. rex and together they were the perfect recourse for cabin fever. #litsycrafters
#popsugar24 neurodivergent main character

Hooked_on_books Your T. rex is so stinking cute! 😍 6mo
julesG @Hooked_on_books I agree, so cute. 6mo
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Librarybelle The T Rex is adorable!!! 6mo
Read4life Love the T. rex. 💙 6mo
brittanyreads Wow! That turned out so great! Love it! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
AnnR So cute! 6mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
Deblovestoread Adorable! 6mo
Larkken @Hooked_on_books @julesG @Librarybelle @Read4life @brittanyreads @AnnR @dabbe @Deblovestoread thank you! The recipient is already feeding it now. If y'all are curious I used the following free pattern with chunky yarn to size it up: https://amigurumi.today/free-amigurumi-t-rex-dinosaur-crochet-pattern/?ns=tr 6mo
brittanyreads Thank you!! 6mo
julesG Thank you! 6mo
Read4life Thank you! 6mo
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I haven‘t found an immersive read yet for this weekend so I‘m bouncing between these whenever I need a break. I‘m particularly enjoying the tagged anthology (thanks to the #auldlangspine list from @vivastory for reminding me that short stories are a thing) but it can be pretty gutting & the stories are all so different that I‘m finding taking a bit of time in between each is nice so they can settle in my mind before starting the next #weekendreads

Larkken 🔼 not really a surprise given my memory of Chain Gang All Stars, one of my favorite reads of last year… 6mo
vivastory Northanger is my fave Austen 💙 Glad that Friday Black is working for you, but I def know what you mean. I read it over the summer over the space of a week & a half or two I think & letting a story or two sit with me for a couple of days was a great way to experience it. (BTW I started Bandit Queens off of your list yesterday & am really digging it!) 6mo
Larkken @vivastory yes! Exactly. I'm finding Northanger to be deceptively simple and fun! 6mo
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The Ferryman: A Novel | Justin Cronin

A low pick for me. Something about this book was just too heavy-handed, maybe? Dunno, but I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else thought of it for #LitsySciFiBookClub

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This Bird Has Flown | Susanna Hoffs
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I enjoyed all the music industry insiderness and refs in this squeaky-clean romance from one of the creators of The Bangles. Lots of great lyrics and etc. as Easter eggs (even the title refs a fav Beatles song).
The romance part was fine 🤷🏻‍♀️

LeeRHarry I just opened up Litsy whilst listening to Manic Monday - freaky! Great song 😊 6mo
dabbe So many happy college memories dancing to The Bangles. #80srock 💜🩶💜 6mo
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BarbaraBB This seems like a great fun read. Love the 80s! 6mo
Librarybelle The Bangles! ❤️ 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
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Probably better as a podcast, with interviews from other people.
In reading this for #naturalitsy I found the author pedantic + repetitive. I liked what I did learn, but mostly feel I read padding and strident reiterations. My takeaways: avoid emulsifiers, avoid artificial flavors/smells, trust yourself to know when something's bad for you. Me? I will continue to eat my fav ketchup chips... But will also pay better attention to ingredient lists.

Librarybelle I‘ve seen a lot of mixed reviews for this one 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 6mo
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Larkken @TheAromaofBooks the early ones are easy I'm sure I'll slow down soon 😂 6mo
Larkken @Librarybelle I know. I don't necessarily disagree with the author, though? Here's the podcast if anyone wants it: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3RYc2NDoZhxJ0QUTlnCySg?si=cjp47vRvRHyOGrJkRyR7U... it looks like it follows the book closely and is only 3.5 hrs long. 6mo
RamsFan1963 I love Miss Vickie's chips, especially the Salt & Vinegar, but I've never seen the Sweet & Spicy Ketchup ones in my area. I'd easily eat the whole bag. It must be a Canadian only kind of flavor. 6mo
Hooked_on_books I was planning on joining this buddy read but the holds queue at my library was too long. After your review and some others I‘ve seen I‘m kinda glad! 6mo
rockpools Yes to all of this! (Especially the ‘I don‘t necessarily disagree but…‘ which is pretty much word-for-word what I just put in this week‘s discussion post!) 6mo
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Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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Leaving my little hygge nest for #hyggehour
Loving the reminder to slow down and be cozy every Sunday with #midwintersolace though I‘m beginning to run out of my stash of Christmas chocolate… i know I‘ve not posted about it much, but I may have to keep this time on Sundays to reset for the week even after the group ends 😘

TheBookHippie I‘m keeping it as well. 6mo
kspenmoll Me too- it‘s so nice to be deliberate about my self care. 6mo
AllDebooks I love this! I was thinking of doing the same. X 6mo
Bookwormjillk I‘m keeping it too 6mo
IndoorDame I was thinking the same thing. It‘s been a wonderful addition to the week. 6mo
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1984 | George Orwell
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There's a scene from Bones that I recently watched where she punches a men's rights activist after he says she should be muzzled, and it's super clunky, and so despite agreeing with the sentiment, I watched the scene fairly dispassionately. 1984 comes off much the same. I can agree with the warnings and find value in the message, but still come out of it without really caring what happens to Winston. Let's see if I feel the same about Julia.

AllDebooks What's Nick Offerman got to do with 1984? 😅 6mo
Larkken @AllDebooks ha! Sorry forgot to talk about the picture. One of the more prolific covers for the novel that is supposed to be of Big Brother makes me think of Ron Swanson - and a search on Reddit of “Ron Swanson big brother” seems to indicate that others are being driven a bit crazy by it too lol https://www.audiobooks.com/audiobook/1984/103069 6mo
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Librarybelle Nice choice for the two prompts! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
Hooked_on_books I plan to use the same 2 books for these 2 prompts. I‘m curious to see how I do with this one. 6mo
Larkken @Librarybelle @Hooked_on_books I‘m usually so bad at these kind of paired prompts but this year I‘m inspired! It was either these two or Huck Finn + James. A wealth of choice for once. 6mo
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I liked Bourdain. I liked him best when he was slightly uncomfortable in a new place, but still bringing his considerable charm to bear in making his hosts at ease & part of the joke (& never its butt). This book has much of his charm, and only a hint of the travellust. I don't agree with it all (I've done fine in a dif testosterone-poisoned career so doubt women can't make a kitchen their own too) but the charm kept me happily listening along.

Librarybelle On my to read list! 6mo
dabbe My husband is reading the last chapter of this book as I type this! He loves it!!! 🤩 6mo
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!! 6mo
KadaGul @Larkken My brother when he was 10 years old used to watch his shows with my Mom because both of them were foodie. He was a good soul. 6mo
Larkken @dabbe ooh i bet I should have saved this for a co-listen on a road trip… maybe the next one! 6mo
Larkken @KadaGul I loved the episodes where he‘d go somewhere a bit strange or boring and make it so interesting! Like New Jersey. Lol. 6mo
dabbe @Larkken 🤩😍😃 6mo
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Foster | Claire Keegan
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I think this novella was a #blamelitsy pick after seeing it on a number of best-of-2023 lists on here. And it's lovely. Sparse prose where the love can shine clearly through. Love this cover, too.

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Low pick on this #litsytob for me. While I appreciate the characters Kois has created and the way friendships are at the center of character-building, these people seemed to me to exist as a vehicle for Kois to show us Big Happenings of NYC in the 90s and early 2000s. However, It was a pleasant enough way to crochet my way through this T-Rex head and the boredom of a truly grossly cold weekend.

Librarybelle That looks adorable! 6mo
BarbaraBB I see what you mean and I felt more or less the same 6mo
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Ruthiella I‘m curious to see how I find this one. 🤔 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
Larkken @Librarybelle thank you! I guess I am happy my cabin fever is being productive, for once? I'll post a Pic when I'm done. 6mo
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1984 | George Orwell

Ugh. I'm trying to reread this for Julia, but I just got to the misogyny chapter and my momentum is officially deflated. 😖 I mean, I /think/ it's part of the character and the commentary? But still.

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My spy-kick from last year shows every sign of continuing into 2024. This 1st George Smiley novel started off strong but seemed to lose focus toward the end-It's a bit of a detective novel with spies in it,and could have used more spies lol-but I'm glad I read it and not just as a prelude to le carré's more famous novels. Smiley is an interesting character already, & I really liked Mendel and hope to see him in later books.
Read for #auldlangspine

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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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Summary of Act 2 scene 1:
Ophelia: Dad, Hamlet is acting crazy.
Polonium: oh no, I must have given you some bad advice. Good thing I just finished giving parenting advice to Reynaldo so I can devote some time to telling the king what to do about Hamlet. Man, but i can be a blow-hard sometimes!
"By heaven, it is as proper to our age
To cast beyond ourselves in our opinions
As it is common for the younger sort
To lack discretion."


vivastory 🤣🤣 6mo
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Finally put together January's #Bookspin and #BookspinBingo! It's been a long week, haha. I'm working my way through the tagged #AuldLangSpine pick, though, and enjoying it so far!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looks great!! 7mo
vivastory I was tempted to start there for my next Le Carre. 7mo
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I found last year's ToB winner interesting, esp the way it made me think about talent thwarted by circumstance and outlets for frustration, the fact it was about two post-war French girls but was written by a woman who lived in China until she was 26, and written in English as a second language. It all made it feel very spare and deliberate. I'm glad #ToB2023 made me read it, though I don't think it was my favorite of that crop of novels.

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Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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After reading O‘Farrell‘s Hamnet last year I decided it was time to try re-reading Shakespeare, & Hamlet seemed the obv choice bc of 1) O‘s book, and 2) I've read it and enjoyed it in the past.
In any case, some of these more... throwaway? passages are resonating more with me this time, such as above. Maybe it's O‘s fault, but maybe there's some conflicted anguish-S railing against fate, telling himself to get over grief-that I didn't feel before?

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In the hopes of charming you into overlooking my lateness on my points, @Clwojick here‘s a super fun knitting pattern. I accomplished 25,035 points for 2nd half #wintergames for #teamevergreen -I got a total of almost 53000 points over 20 books! Not too shabby.
Even though I'm terrible at posting I loved the inspiration to read lots of holiday books and lots of non-holiday books. Tagged was my last read of the year (bc Murderbot). Thanks, team!

Roary47 Wow! Thats awesome 😍 7mo
mandarchy 😍🤩 amazing! 🤩 😍 6mo
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