"He realises that she has never wishes she were anyone other than herself, raised in any other place, in any other way. This, in his opinion, is the biggest difference between them".
#thenamesake #jhumpalahiri #littens
"He realises that she has never wishes she were anyone other than herself, raised in any other place, in any other way. This, in his opinion, is the biggest difference between them".
#thenamesake #jhumpalahiri #littens
Day 26: A book that changed your opinion about something
The Namesake. This is probably the first book I've read involving Indian culture. I don't know what it's like to be "Brown". I really liked this book, and the film adaptation. The culture is vibrant and intimate in so many different ways. The meaning of the title is also significant: I didn't know that so much weight could be put into naming a child.
#thenamesake #jhumpalahiri
My thriftbooks haul came in 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
When Dimple Met Rishi
The Lowland
A Child Called It
The Lost Boy
The Privilege of Youth
A Man Named Dave
Still waiting on The Namesake to come in from this order. All for $20.90. Merry Christmas to meeeeeee!
#davepelzer #achildcalledit #thelostboy #theprivilegeofyouth #amannameddave #jhumpalahiri #thelowland #thenamesake #sandhyamenon #whendimplemetrishi