Last night, I started THE TROUBLE WITH GOATS AND SHEEP by Joanna Cannon, which was sent to me by @savidgereads a few months ago. He warned me that we couldn't be friends anymore if I didn't love it. Luckily, I do love it, and I'm only 27 pages in!
#ReadingNow #joannacannon #troublewithgoatsandsheep
shawnmooney I wonder if he and Thomas are still speaking; did you see the rating and review his American cohost gave it on goodreads? :-) 9y
Lizpixie I have this on hold at my library. 9y
Victoria_C Sounds like a PBS Masterpiece Mystery. 🕵🏻 9y
ShelfofUnreadBooks I've just finished it and I loved it! 9y
Molz Love discovering debut novels and this was terrific! 7y