Oh I hope this is going to be as good as it sounds! Just received this ARC in the mail from Harper Collins.
Oh I hope this is going to be as good as it sounds! Just received this ARC in the mail from Harper Collins.
Surprise book mail! And it‘s Friday. Everything is right with the world. #thingsyousavebook
You have to read this. I‘m about 1/3 in and just keep thinking all these people are just bat-shit crazy. Or blind. Deluded. Something. This Elizabeth Holmes was like some kind of persuasive sorceress.
Another to add to my teetering piles! Win in a Goodreads giveaway (my third in about 6 weeks-crazy!)
So excited to have gotten this as an ARC from Netgalley! Just started last night but I have really enjoyed the first two of this trilogy.
Thank you Liberty for the theft of your cover shot with my addition. Charming it is. This book was great, very Dickens-like, touching characters and wonderful drawings. This is a fictionalized account of the early to mid-life of Madame Tussaud, of wax museum fame. Highly recommend this, it‘s being published in October.
Got this from netgalley and didn‘t think it was for me, but I‘m enjoying it quite a bit. Definitely a good summer book.
Fantastic! Five stars! It‘s like a love letter to libraries and librarians. ❤️📚
Only 10% in but I think I‘m in love. Thanks #netgalley!
Northshire Bookstore Booktopia 2018 haul! Not counting a few coming by mail and the ones purchased in advance of the event!
I love this quote and its image. Not related to the story at all, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. The book is great so far, sucked me right in. Reminds me of that Slade House haunted house vibe.
Yeah, I read it. It's like an action movie in a book. And decidedly less enjoyable than the former in the series.
An enjoyable diversion for a few days. I thought it kind of fell apart for me at the end. Just something left me unsatisfied.
Fantastic! The publisher's intro letter says reviewers called it a cross between Fates and Furies and The World According to Garp. Hmmm. Don't think I even understand that, nor would I make that comparison!! It's its own thing. Highly recommend.
Yes, the hype is true. This is fantastic. I've just finished Part I (about halfway). Reminds me some of We Are Not Ourselves. But that may change. Definitely put it on your TBR list.
Probably the best book I've read this year!
Fridays are always good, but even better when you get something like this in the mail, as a total surprise! I do not recall entering a contest for this, but the publisher's letter references LitHub so maybe I did. And even better, I got turned down for this on netgalley recently!
Thanks to Simon & Schuster for the ARC. The book was excellent, but so dark for my tastes. Many unlikeable (or at least hard to like) people, doing things I couldn't imagine and for reasons that were often not entirely made clear. All things I don't like. That said, I would recommend the novel. The writing is evocative and the characters and settings were crystal clear in my mind.
Very good as an audiobook read by Trevor Noah. Recommended. Crazy but this is book #2 for the year and started with B and my first book started with A, so the #litsyatoz challenge is rolling along. I doubt my next finish will be a C.
Thank you Netgalley!
Coincidentally an A book as my first in 2017 for the #LitsyAtoZ. This started strong, but deteriorated due to the backwards story thing which I found confusing. Ultimately redeemed by the twisty ending I didn't foresee. (Can't find my previously taken photo of the cover either.)
Almost forgot I read this this week. Not that memorable for me. Enough said.
I'm reading this as my last book for 2016 I guess. Kind of a palate cleanser (if you consider spooky psychological stories with murdered girls to be cleansing)! Also trying to finish The Nix before it disappears from my iPad!
I've had book 3 of this series on my TBR forever based on a review I saw. So when the library had the earlier books I decided to start at the beginning (cause I'm one of those people). Eh. Did not really enjoy this at all, so there's a book I can remove from the TBR.
As my Christmas present to myself (or we'll say it's from my husband), I got the $50 out of state membership to the Brooklyn Public Library. It's going to be so worth it. I will only use it for eBooks and they have so many more books through Overdrive than my local library system. I'm so excited! 🎄🎁
Entertaining but I didn't find it near as good as Destiny of the Republic.
The Jolabokaflod. Never heard of this Icelandic publishing calendar, but I love the idea of giving books and reading on Christmas Eve. 🎄 📖
My Goodreads 2016 stats. So far... I mean there's 16 days left people!📖
Waiting for my husband to have some minor outpatient surgery, so taking the opportunity to try and finish this in eBook form.
Just finished this. Pretty good but not as much as Persepolis.
Very good. I'll be reading more Mary Roach, but I think I will spread them out. I was getting a little bored/anxious to finish near the end. I don't want to make it too much of a good thing, you know?
Excellent book and $1.99 today.
Apparently I shouldn't have waited so long to read Mary Roach. This book is educational and entertaining!
"Writing down call numbers with short pencils, searching up and down aisles that would turn dark when the timers on the lights expired. She recalls, visually, certain passages in the books she'd read. Which side of the book, where on the page."
One of the book blogs I read (might have been Book Riot) suggested some post election reading and this was one suggestion. I'm embarrassed to say I've had this for quite a while but haven't done more than flip through it quickly. I'm going to spend some more time with it.
Saw this today: "Read the best books first, or you may not have time to read them all." Henry David Thoreau ?❤️
This or its companion "healthy" edition is the best cookbook ever. I have made many things from it, nothing that wasn't loved. I also own the baking one. And various other ATK smaller books but this one is best. #cookbooklove
It was a good day, I finished this on audio on my way to work and it made me 😁! I can't wait to see the movie.
Excellent. The actual reading is about 3/4 of the 752 pages with the back being end notes. Still long, but worth it.
Great book. Highly recommend.