When you unexpectedly receive a book! Doesn't happen very often anymore but I do appreciate it when it does #usedtobeabookblogger #awwc #aussieauthors
When you unexpectedly receive a book! Doesn't happen very often anymore but I do appreciate it when it does #usedtobeabookblogger #awwc #aussieauthors
I don't know that two books is a library haul so let's go with #libraryloot. Brings back memories of when I used to cohost the Library Loot meme back when I #usedtobeabookblogger
I don't get sent very many books any because I'm not really reviewing much but it is still nice to get unexpected mail. And the bonus is it looks like something I would like to read!!
I started listening to this because i had been told it was different to her other books. It definitely was but you could still tell it was a NR book.
I even managed to write a review. God knows how i ever did this for every book i read
I wouldn't call this a review as such but i did write some thoughts down about this book