Spring colors from my library books. Excited for all the outdoor reading in the near future.
#socialdistance #spring #covid19 #getvaccinated #stopthespread #wearamask #publichealth
Spring colors from my library books. Excited for all the outdoor reading in the near future.
#socialdistance #spring #covid19 #getvaccinated #stopthespread #wearamask #publichealth
As a middle school teacher, I don‘t find Palacio‘s descriptions of 5th graders to be particularly accurate. But here we are #sundaylessonplanning for 7th grade. #getoutside #wearamask
Took a long walk and stopped at my neighborhood #littlefreelibrary #fridayreads #wearamask
Thank goodness for NYPL‘s “grab and go plan”. We love it!!
#covid #socialdistance #sixfeet #wearamask
Steven Johnson, where are you on covid?
Truly a prophetic work. So relevant. I cried at the end.
#covid #pandemic #urbanliving #cartography #epidemiology #london #science #stevenjohnson #cholera #quarantine #wearamask #sixfeet
Really useful and timely info: https://apple.news/ALwFl_h9XQHeVtzLFx2tS8w #WearAMask