This is the only acceptable amount of whipped cream to put on pumpkin pie, end of discussion. 🥧
This is the only acceptable amount of whipped cream to put on pumpkin pie, end of discussion. 🥧
Informative and meaningful, author Johnson explores the most significant developments in terms of increased longevity in humans over the last century. It‘s hard to grasp that in 1920, 40 years was an average life span; and the number of reasons for longer life is astounding.
#20in4 #FabulousFebruaru
@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
“What we ingest or experience or inhale will make a difference to our health —literally the number of minutes allotted us to live.” Page 90.
“ The eyes don‘t see what the mind doesn‘t know.“ Page 22.
Resilience is the key, the deciding factor between a child, who overcomes adversity and thrives and a child, who never makes it to a healthy adulthood. Page 14.
“Resilience isn‘t something you were born with. It isn‘t a trait that you have or don‘t have. It‘s learned. This means that for every child raised in a toxic environment or an unraveling community - both of which take a terrible toll on childhood development and can have lasting effects-there is hope. Page 14.
“It is a story about what happens when the very people responsible for keeping us safe, care more about money and power, than they care about us, or our children.” - P. 13