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Amor4Libros Loved this! ❤️ 4mo
Eggs Brilliant 🩵🏔️💚 4mo
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This is an incredible read about why ultra-processed food is so damaging to our health and society at large. Amazing research to back up the author's claims. Highly recommend if you're interested in learning more about health.

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Informative and meaningful, author Johnson explores the most significant developments in terms of increased longevity in humans over the last century. It‘s hard to grasp that in 1920, 40 years was an average life span; and the number of reasons for longer life is astounding.

#20in4 #FabulousFebruaru
@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

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I didn‘t think I was going to get through this book this weekend, but I‘m knocking things off the to do list. This is a well researched, comprehensive, non-judgmental, eye opening look at ultra processed food and the ramifications of it playing a big role in our diet. I appreciate the inclusion of the UK, USA and Canada in his research

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Super Bowl Sunday #gotaylorsboyfriend my doughnut was made by a local whole grain bakery so in this one instance I‘ve avoided UPF 👏🏻👏🏻 to quote Graham Norton “if anyone is going to have an army, it might as well be Taylor Swift. She uses her power for good” 😊 if I had young daughters I‘d have no issues with them being a Swiftie

marleed Kanzazzzzz City. Now, I hope she shows up for the parade on Wednesday! (It will be the first of 3 in above freezing temps!) Taylor has generated so much money for this city since the night she first turned a friendship bracelet from Travis. Even local artisans are having a heyday. Go Team Taylor! 7mo
mcctrish @marleed I know she has a concert in Melbourne on Friday so 🤷🏻‍♀️ but she does work miracles with the traveling 7mo
marleed @mcctrish Yea, I think she‘ll have to skip this drunken mayhem. The real question might be when does Travis get to Melbourne! ❤️❤️❤️ 7mo
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Bags 11 & 12 means Family Reunion Celebration is completed on the Lunar New Year

Tamra Wow!! 7mo
mcctrish @Tamra I love it 7mo
Soubhiville That‘s amazing! 7mo
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Texreader Love this!!! 7mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
Deblovestoread Very cool! 7mo
mcctrish @Soubhiville @Texreader @dabbe @Deblovestoread it was such a good set ❤️❤️ now I want to build another one 🤔 7mo
dabbe @mcctrish #keeponbuilding ❤️💜🩷 7mo
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Im so glad I read/listened to this book. I thought it had several interesting parts i had not heard about such as the experiment in the early 1900‘s with infants and toddlers and food, and the Nestle Barge in South America. But most of all it reinspired me to remember that there is a way to feel better, and that my brain and body are being hijacked by ultra capitalist companies. I love the “was this made to nourish me or make money for someone “

AllDebooks That quote is my mantra from now on 👌 7mo
tpixie @AllDebooks @Chrissyreadit that needs to be my mantra also. It‘s a good one! 7mo
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Bag #10 of the Family Reunion Celebration Lego set. I‘ve got a craving for some Chinese take away🤔

RaeLovesToRead Bao buns!!!! 💕💕 7mo
mcctrish @RaeLovesToRead aren‘t they the cutest 7mo
TheBookHippie Omgoodness 😍😍😍 7mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie there are so many little spots of awesomeness in this set ❤️❤️❤️ 7mo
LoverOfLearning Obsessed!! 7mo
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Bag #9, all the people are gathering to watch the build. Only 2 bags left ❤️ craving cheesies - the ultimate ultra-processed snack food

wanderinglynn Can‘t wait to see it finished! 7mo
Tamra 🤣 now you have me craving Cheetos. 7mo
mcctrish @Tamra 🤣🤣 give me all the salty, crunchy, cheesy ultra processed food stuffs 7mo
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Bag 8 of my Family Reunion Celebration Lego set ( honestly I might not ever eat ice cream again 🤢)

ChaoticMissAdventures I read this last month and even though I "knew" I feel like I didn't know and it was such a good reminder to watch what I put in my body better. 7mo
mcctrish @ChaoticMissAdventures it is certainly a good reminder. I feel like I make a lot of food from scratch but I have gotten lazy and stopped making my own salad dressings and pasta sauce - guess what better get back on that 7mo
ChaoticMissAdventures As someone who hates the kitchen, I really appreciated his no-shame approach to it all. I am child free but the chapter on formula made me the angriest. 7mo
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mcctrish @ChaoticMissAdventures I remember when I had my first baby, I nursed him and he was finally old enough ( according to all books to take one feeding by formula) He was 6 lbs at birth and a voracious and frequent eater, I was so happy for the break. He hated it. It took FOREVER to set that routine. Then we both got colds and my paediatrician said cut the bottle til he‘s better. I started crying on the spot. One bottle so I could get dinner ready 😭 7mo
Zuhkeeyah I want to read this book...but am also terrified to read this book. What food will I never look the same at again?? 7mo
Tamra I haven‘t read the book, but I think being mindful about food choices is good goal. At this point I am a tad more worried about all the microplastics we consume. By just opening a plastic bag we inhale microparticles of plastic! 7mo
Tamra As an adoptive mom, I hope the author wasn‘t bottle/formula shaming per se. Nursing isn‘t an option for everyone. 7mo
mcctrish @Zuhkeeyah so far ice cream is cementing it‘s only on special occasion status 7mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Tamra not at all, the author is incredible throughout about not shaming. The focus is on how terrible the companies are, how they have worked their way into remote villages and give misinformation, and push formula onto areas that may not have access to clean water then they start charging after they have established a culture. He is very open and honest about how we as consumers often cannot avoid processed food for a number of reasons. 7mo
mcctrish @Tamra 😳 plastics really should be banned. I‘m barely into the book, so far it‘s only ice cream and all the foods with carrageenan, Palm oils, and guar gum getting talked about ( there goes my cottage cheese) so far my take away is if you can‘t buy the ingredients you should limit the foods that have these things in them - that‘s just common sense imo 7mo
mcctrish @ChaoticMissAdventures I remember Nestle being in the news for the formula and bottled water debacle. They are awful! 7mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @mcctrish Nestle is a horrible company, they have taken over and drained so many natural water sources only to sell the water back in plastic to the same community. I have been boycotting them for over a decade, but like the author talks about it is really hard because they own so much you do not realize they own, like cat food and cleaning brands 7mo
Tamra @ChaoticMissAdventures that‘s reprehensible. 😢 7mo
Tamra @mcctrish it‘s extremely difficult to get away from plastics & processing. Nigh on impossible! 7mo
mcctrish @Tamra how fitting I say plastic should be banned while I build Lego 🤣🤣 I meant with food but yeah, it‘ll be hard 7mo
Tamra @mcctrish bah! 🤣 I didn‘t see that until you pointed it out! Fortunately Lego‘s are not single use! (edited) 7mo
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