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This was published in 2002 when Fay Weldon was 70. And its like sitting down with an older lady who has lived quite a life and having her describe that life to you over tea and cake. Its written in an easy style but Fay never kept diaries so its not always detailed - although her childhood in NZ is very well remembered. Her mother was a solo mum in the 30s and Fay was a solo mum in the late 50‘s ⬇️

Centique - both very much on the breadline, but also w artistic bohemian friends and interests. The need to earn a living and survive in a man‘s world inform‘s Fay‘s early feminism but a few things she says are naiive of other issues, racism etc An interesting read if you like Fay Weldon‘s novels but it can feel repetitive at times and the editors missed a few repetitions and misspellings in my edition. 3w
Jeg I love her writing. I‘ve kept a few of her books. Have not read this one. 3w
MrsMalaprop My mum was a huge Fay Weldon fan. ❤️ 3w
caffeinated Added to my TBR list. I‘m a big Fay Weldon fan. 3w
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💚Some news from Virago. I adore the original green spines though. My heart goes pitter pat when I spot a green spine at a used bookstore. They are becoming fewer and fewer though for me in the wild!

willaful Same! 2mo
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Salome of the Tenements | Anzia Yezierska
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Ah yes. 1923 NYC. Talking about Jews as foreign and overly sexual.
On the next page the author refers to the same character as “oriental.”

Classic racism.
There is nothing new in the world.

Texreader ☹️😠 3mo
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Salome of the Tenements | Anzia Yezierska
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“Even downtown we got differences. Let me and the landlords wife go to the butcher store for meat. For who will the butcher pick out the fattest piece of meat? For me, who bargains herself every penny, or the landlords wife that pays him over any price he asks?”
Unintended bias is everywhere. Even in 1923.

Texreader Probably especially in 1923. We know what to call it now 3mo
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Salome of the Tenements | Anzia Yezierska
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Honestly, what were the freaking odds of finding this book.

It has no reviews on Litsy. It isn‘t mentioned in any of the other “also by this author.”

But there it was on a to be shelved used books trolley.

I‘m so excited. Talk about beshert!

A Helping Hand | Celia Dale
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A twisty little tale of avarice. 🖤

This was “fun”, but didn‘t have the humor of Fremlin. Fremlin can be downright funny & sharp witted. I need more Fremlin in my life!

LeahBergen I found this, too; she‘s Fremlin-esque but not quite Fremlin enough. 🤣 5mo
Tamra @LeahBergen 😂 indeed! 5mo
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A Helping Hand | Celia Dale
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Why yes this edition IS before my time. ☺️ Makes me feel young! I guess I‘m lucky my library system still has a copy to circulate.

By the way, I have 5 library books checked out and it makes me anxious, which is completely irrational. It reminds me though why I shouldn‘t order any while I have one checked out. It‘s also why I prefer to buy so I can hoard them on my shelf. 😜

LeahBergen This is a fun one! 5mo
Tamra @LeahBergen it sounds like classic mystery fun - inspired by @Cathythoughts. 5mo
Ruthiella I understand your anxiety. It‘s a balancing act! Owned vs library… 5mo
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Cathythoughts That‘s a great old date on the book 😁👍🏻I think you‘ll like it. @LeahBergen put me on to it. ♥️ 5mo
Tamra @Cathythoughts @LeahBergen the world of Litsy! 💙 5mo
Tamra @Ruthiella 😅 5mo
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Read this book. 🤍✨ her voice, her life, her story deserves to be heard, cherished, and remembered.

Beautiful poetry and story, woven and arranged and told in a way that will stick with me for a long time. An unfolding of a life. I loved the way the poems were artistically put onto the page too. So much I could say. But her words are what matters here. Read this book. 🤍✨ #poetry

A Helping Hand | Celia Dale
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Really liked this short book about a couple who take in an elderly, lonely and wealthy woman, seemingly to get her money. They‘ve done this before and the pages kept turning quickly as I wanted to find out how this would shake out. Then a surprise ending!

Cathythoughts Oh that‘s great you liked it. 👏🏻❤️ I want to read more by her. 5mo
Cathythoughts That ending was definitely a surprise 😁 5mo
bthegood sounds interesting - tagged - thanks for the review 🙂 5mo
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The collected poems of Muriel Rukeyser | Muriel Rukeyser, Janet E. Kaufman, Anne F. Herzog, Jan Heller Levi
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dabbe 💚🩷💚 5mo
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