I saw the movie first. Now that I've read the book, I think I will see the movie and book as separate entities. The book had realistic relationships and taught a lesson that every woman and man needs to learn. Labels we and others put on us shouldn't define us. Sometimes even I need to be reminded of that at my advanced age. Great book. Highly recommend. 👍🏻
I may have swooned at that line. More than a 29 year old should.
Dash and Lily's Book of Dares got me through a lot. Two hurricanes and a rough final semester of grad school. I still go back and read it when I want to feel warm and happy inside. This sequel book does not disapoint. I need more time with these characters. Lily and I are like the same person. Hope to find my Dash someday. I hope there will be another book someday. Don't want to leave them yet.
A WHERE'S FLUFFY REFERENCE!!! I'm already done with this book. It's the best. Read it today!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who names trees at Christmas time. It's not weird. I swear. We have 6 trees in my house. They have code names! 😊
Conflicting Part (See picture above):
This was after the two main characters have sex for the first time. Says it was the best he ever had. A lot of people in reviews said they hated that line. I'm conflicted.
On one hand I scoffed too.
On the other, you could chalk it up to him finally being in love and that's the way he shows it. By calling her the best.
I don't know. Either way, I felt the story was solid but wasn't executed well.
The main couple has a spark. They were well paired. It was just too rushed. The two actually talk to each other (until the end but yeah, can't have it all).
Plot was solid. I bought it.
Had a 28 year old virgin which was nice to see. Not everyone loses their virginity when they are teenagers.
The main guy falls too easily for a ladies man.
The main girl varies from innocent to all knowing in a single paragraph.
You could argue they are like this because they are both putting on fronts but yeah.
The nice guy turns out to be vicious. Yeah, no. We as an audience don't get to spend much time with him to deal with the whiplash.
Rushed. Any great possible plot point is rushed or isn't allowed to be developed naturally.
I read this book in an hour. I have LOTS of thoughts but right now I'm conflicted on so much. Sometimes I have to remind myself it's just a romance novel and I need to let certain things go. Hmmm...review to come.
Page 72. Scorpius is an adorable human being. How he came from Draco I will never figure out. Also, Albus is so much like teenage Harry. That's why they are clashing. They are too much alike. Funny. The one son named after two very difficult and polarizing characters is difficult as well. #ReviewingAsIRead
It's been a long time since I have read a play. So far it isn't bad. Then again I'm only 26 pages in. Still, Scorpius and Rose? Hmmm....
Just got started but I might already be in love.
(I'm very into this book. Lots of quotable lines)
"When will we stop insisting that inside a fat woman exists a thinner, better version of herself just trying to claw her way past the belly flab to get out?"
My beach read. Jackie Collins and her writing talent will always have my heart. ❤️
"There is no place like home."
Finally got my hands on a real live book. Haven't read one of those in awhile. #RomeinLove