4 pages in and already absolutely loving the style. I found a collection of O‘Connor for $5. It has three novels. I‘m absolutely so glad I snatched it up! #thrifted #secondhand
4 pages in and already absolutely loving the style. I found a collection of O‘Connor for $5. It has three novels. I‘m absolutely so glad I snatched it up! #thrifted #secondhand
This weeks secondhand book haul #secondhand #thriftedliterature Excited to read these but especially excited for Hillbilly Elegy. I‘m a sucker for Appalachian lit!
Ariel was calling to me from the bookshelf last night, and I told my bf this. He said it meant I should read it. So I dived in. I had a terrible day yesterday and it is exactly what I‘ve needed. I took notice in a new way of Plath‘s use of color. She seems to, be it purposeful or accidental, have a system in how she uses color to personify emotion onto objects. Red is one I noticed; it seems to always be associated with fear, death, or depression.
I *may* have just went on a bit of a shopping spree. But thanks to the local used book store...it only cost me $15. I think my consciousness can bare it. Stocked up on some classics that I‘ve either read and lost my copy of throughout the years, or have been meaning to read for some time. Very excited, doing my happy dance.
Honest and raw portrayal of Appalachia through the eyes of a young woman. There are certainly difficult moments to read through as this book focuses on childhood abuse and her longing for escape, but Allison doesn‘t hold back from the beautiful or hideous moments, telling the tale of an often forgotten and misunderstood culture, full of impossibly strong people and their compelling narratives. #queerauthors
Absolutely stunning and masterful narrative of coming of age in a world you don‘t quite understand. Vuong uses this intimate work as a way to bridge many gaps; the distance between his immigrant mother‘s and his own world, the ever growing space felt between different racial and socioeconomic experiences in modern America, and the human experience of growing into your sexuality in one‘s adolescence. #queerlit #qpocauthors