This book was written by the creator of Little Mosque on the prairie. Her memoir is about growing up Canadian and Muslim. It is gentle and witty and humorous, with no disrespect meant towards her faith.
This book was written by the creator of Little Mosque on the prairie. Her memoir is about growing up Canadian and Muslim. It is gentle and witty and humorous, with no disrespect meant towards her faith.
Excellent historical fiction about the unlikely friendship between a young white girl and her black wet nurse in Virginia in the 1800s.
Honest, funny and sad all at once. Matthew opens up with bravery and discusses his struggles with alcohol and prescription medications. Enjoyed it
The final in her Peter Decker/Lina Lazarus series. I enjoyed it; however it not my favourite in the series.
John Grisham‘s first nonfiction book about two innocent men in Oklahoma who were being charged with capital murder, with one being sentenced to death
Informative but a little dry reading about the life of a young Indigenous man in Winnipeg.
The story of a young Hasidic Jewish girl, daughter of a Rabbi, who secretly reads secular books and longs to explore life outside her community. Later I learned the book is loosely based on the author‘s real life. Great book
Excellent insight into Nyle‘s life growing up Deaf
A bookseller in Florida becomes involved in helping solve the murder of one of his friends . The murder took place during a major hurricane,made to look like the victim‘s death was the result of that hurricane I found it slow at first but it picked up and became intriguing. It‘s a sequel to Grisham‘s Camino Islands
A memoir about a young assimilated Jewish girl seeking acceptance and inclusion by her father‘s side of the family, who kept Kosher and were observant . It was a little dry reading but I liked it
The true story of the lives of three generations ofTrinidadian women. The author reflects on the lives of her mother and grandmother, and the hardships each faced. Interesting.
The story of a young girl whose Indigenous mother passed away when the author was only 3, and whose French-American father raised her alone.
Historical novel set during the Holocaust in Poland. Two young ladies, one a Jewish girl in hiding, the other a Polish Catholic girl, become friends . Lovely read
Set in London during World War II, two young ladies ,Grace and Vivian,leave their home in another part of England and move to London, where they get caught up in the war effort as Hitler begins bombing England. Grace, looking for a job, lands one in a bookstore. Interesting historical fiction. Would recommend