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Angel Harp | Michael R. Phillips
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Prompt: ANGEL

What a lovely, lovely book.

Widowed at 40, lonely, wondering what to do now after she had let years pass by, "Angel" Dawn Marie decided to vacation in Scotland. 

If you enjoy Scottish history and listening/reading the written Gaelic brogue, you will fall in love with the book and definitely the characters.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds great ❤️ 13h
Eggs Lovely choice 👼 12h
SilversReviews @Eggs It was a lovely read. 5h
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The Housemaid (La Empleada) | Freida McFadden
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Thanks to these Litsy folks for today‘s prompt:


Today‘s Prompt: DARK BLUE

Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 2d
SilversReviews @Eggs 😀😀 2d
31 likes2 comments
The High Tide Club | Mary Kay Andrews
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Thanks to these Litsy folks for today‘s prompt:


Today‘s Prompt: LIGHT BLUE

If you enjoy family sagas, secrets, and mysteries, you will want to read THE HIGH TIDE CLUB…Fiction, Mystery, Chick Lit - https://tinyurl.com/f9b4un79

Eggs Perfect 🩵🩵 3d
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Untitled | Unknown
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Thanks to these Litsy folks for today‘s prompt:


Today‘s Prompt: HAT

Eggs Perfect 🧢🎩👒 5d
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Untitled | Unknown
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Thanks to these Litsy folks for today‘s prompt:


Today‘s Prompt: WHEEL

Eggs Perfect 💚🛞🖤 7d
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Time for a brew and catchup for this week's #SaturdayChatterday

☕️ Are you having a good weekend?
☕️ What are you up to today?
☕️ Where are you?
☕️ What are your plans for next week?
☕️ Any recommendations - books, places, films/tv shows etc?

@dabbe @Deblovestoread @TheAromaofBooks @TEArificbooks @Soscha @Cazxxx @DebinHawaii

AllDebooks I have a Litsy day planned, finishing up the spreadsheet for #LitsyEvents It has been a task! Also, making final plans for my new #buddyreadgroup #VirginiaBloomsberries starting in August. I've spent the last week in deep dive down the rabbit hole that us Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury set. Really looking forward to it. 7d
AllDebooks Recommendations - I finished my best read of the year so far yesterday. Highly recommended https://litsy.com/p/OThRSmpnWnNi 7d
IndoorDame @AllDebooks looking forward to seeing what you chose from the Bloomsbury set! They‘re such a cool group! I‘ll have to check out The Children‘s Book, it looks fab! 7d
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IndoorDame I finally spent a day with my bff yesterday that we‘ve been been putting off and trying to reschedule all of last week so that was really nice. I‘m feeling really run down so my weekend goal is just alternating this week‘s installments of Sherlock and Murder Road with housekeeping chores. 7d
Librarybelle I‘m really looking forward to the new buddy read! Today is a cleaning and reading day for me. I‘m finishing up this week‘s installment for the #byattbuddyread and hope to finish Dissolution for #ShardlakeBR …I‘m so close! 7d
AllDebooks @Librarybelle Oooh, I loved Possession. Byatt is an excellent author. 7d
AllDebooks @IndoorDame that's lovely, glad you got time to see your friend. Hopefully, you'll feel better with a little R & R x 7d
TheAromaofBooks Husband has the next week off, so we are luxuriating in that first-day-of-vacation feeling 😂 Just ordered lunch from our local hamburger joint and looking forward to an afternoon of reading, puttering, and playing Stardew Valley. We have some small projects on the docket for the week but nothing crazy - so excited about just resting and catching up on some things!!! 7d
AllDebooks @TheAromaofBooks that sounds wonderful. Have a great week relaxing x 7d
TheBookHippie I watched The Man with 1000 Kids on Netflix. Blew my mind. 😅😵‍💫🫣 6d
TheBookHippie Since I‘m waiting on results from doctor I‘m reorganizing all my books. 😅🫣🤣🤣🫣🫣 6d
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie 1000 kids!!!!! 6d
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks The Man with 1000 Kids
The Man with 1000 Kids
2024 | Maturity Rating:TV-MA | 1 Season | Documentary
A group of families learn the charismatic man they had trusted is sperm donor to hundreds — or perhaps thousands — of other children across the world. 🤯🤯😱😱
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie I hope bloods results are good! I‘m waiting on a set too. Distraction is essential, I‘ll have to check out that documentary. 6d
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame scans 😵‍💫 and the documentary BLEW MY MIND 🤯😅😱😬 6d
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks I‘ve never talked to the TV so much in my life!!! 🤣😱 6d
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie 🤣🤣🤣🤣 6d
AllDebooks @Read4life How is your mum? I hope she's recovering and you and your dad are okay x 6d
Read4life Thank you for asking. She was accepted into an active rehab facility but there aren‘t any beds available. So they discharged her and were looking for an outpatient therapy center. Thankfully, my 19 y.o daughter (future physical therapist) works at one less than a quarter mile from my parents‘ home. They got her in immediately and she is doing well. No stairs yet but she‘s getting around with a walker and happy to be home. We‘re with her around ⬇️ 5d
Read4life the clock and my daughter helps with her therapy exercises. My dad is happy to have us around. 5d
AllDebooks @Read4life this is such good news. I'm so glad she's doing so well with her recovery. She must be s determined lady. X 5d
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Prompt: CHAIR

We all have dreams...some are fulfilled, some are not. 

Teddi Overman knew she had a talent for refinishing antique furniture, BUT Her mother wanted her to be a secretary.

A must read so you can soak up the depth of the warmth of Ms. Hoffman's writing and share in the benefit of her words of wisdom about being happy.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 🪑📚 1w
Eggs So attractive 🪑 1w
SilversReviews @Eggs 😀😀 1w
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Today‘s Prompt: LAVENDER

The color isn‘t lavender, but the title is. ?


Castles, hidden rooms, families, World War II, and history coming alive as past and present blend together for an incredible, marvelously detailed read.  

FULL REVIEW:    https://tinyurl.com/36c5emtw


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Brilliant 💜 1w
Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 1w
27 likes3 comments
Let Me Lie | Clare Mackintosh
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Today‘s Prompt: GRAY


Clare Mackintosh's book from 2018 is the BEST of her first three for me.

Both parents committing suicide at the same exact spot seven months apart seemed a bit strange.

GREAT twists and is another Clare Mackintosh book you won't want to miss. You won't see it coming and ask yourself how you missed it.


Eggs Great description 🩶🩶🩶 1w
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A Certain Age: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Today‘s Prompt: TAN/BEIGE

A CERTAIN AGE began with an excerpt from a murder trial then moved to alternating chapters and told of the life of high society and how they adapted social protocol to whatever they wanted.

Beautifully written as all of Ms. Williams‘ books even though it took me a while to get connected, but it was still enjoyable.


Eggs Sumptuous 👍🏼 2w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks My favorite book cover ❤️❤️ 1w
SilversReviews @Eggs 😀😀 1w
SilversReviews @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Oh yes. Isn‘t it gorgeous? 1w
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