"Ask yourself: is it yes or no?"
Just starting this wonderful little novella! I'd recommend buying the illustrated version - to me, De Saint-Exupéry makes the story more personal with the little boas and elephants and princes.
"We cling to our fairy tales until the price for believing in then becomes to high." - Jacob
Well, it's over. I thought it was extremely well-written; a wonderful ending for a wonderful series. It made me want to cry and scream and hug them all at the same. Thank you, Maggie. Anyone want to discuss? I need to talk about this!
"I cannot ask you to be truthful if I haven't been myself." - Gansey
I'm glad to have finally gotten this after weeks of waiting! Sad to see it end, but can't wait to find out what happens!
Finally, finally starting this one! The creepiness, the overall mystery of the novel has me urging to pick it up the books and finish them all in one sitting!
Can't wait to start this again! By far my favorite series by Maggie Stiefvater; I'd recommend it to anyone who loves mythology (this isn't Greek, it's Welsh), unexpected adventure, and surprises around every corner.
Way to go Cassandra Clare! I felt like this was even better than TMI (not including COB, nothing will ever beat that). The dynamics of the characters blew me away and love they have for each other. Emma and Julian have instantly become my favorites and I can't wait for the next novel!
I have to say, by far one of the greatest books I've read. Saba's journey through the wasteland pulls you in and won't let you go until you've finished. The romance isn't overpowering, if anything, very subtle compared to the action; oh, and the ending, it will make you want the next one even more.
From the looks of it, I thought it would just be a typical cheesy romance novel with no plot (yes, I judged the book by its cover), but it surprised me with every page I turned. Jojo Moyes leaves the reader wanting more and more of the lives of Will and Lou in this cry-worthy novel!