Thanksgiving break!! Trying to start my collecting stack of books since school started!! Thrift books is so dangerous lol
Thanksgiving break!! Trying to start my collecting stack of books since school started!! Thrift books is so dangerous lol
I am obsessed with the thrift books website!! I've been buying books faster than I can even finish them but everything is so cheap! And free shipping after 10$!! My bank accounts new enemy lol
I loved it!! Picks up awesome and I love how all the characters intertwine together! Just a wonderful story , definitely one I want to add to my personal library!
An absolutely beautiful day to have off, and hopefully observe how Fat Charlie and Spider work out this crazy mess they've (mostly bc of Spider) gotten into. 😊🌻🌤🕷
Beautiful ending! And absolutely perfect story!! Definitely worth a read!!
130 pages in and I can't stop!! Each chapter reels you into the next! The Vincettis provoke extraordinary curiosity!
I loved this book. My English teacher in high school recommended it to me and it did not disappoint I've even re read it recently. Alaska's character is so humorous along with most of the others, and she's very relatable especially because she doesn't act like regular girls. A good short read and especially good for young adults!
Ran errands for my sister, couldn't resist stopping into the bookstore close by, picked up some more classics to add to my library! 💙🖤☺️
Very easy read, and loved the story a lot. Super relatable and paints an eerie picture of what society really could become!