I read this book in 4 hours on a plane and it never let me look away from it.i suggest read it !!!! My favourite 10/10
I read this book in 4 hours on a plane and it never let me look away from it.i suggest read it !!!! My favourite 10/10
I loved this book it gave me pictures in my head and I've always been around horses so I loved this book!!!10/10
This book was great I read it in 2 hours and it's a twisting book you have feelings for her. I pictured everything in my head and couldn't put the book down.
I've read this book for a novel study it was easy and my projects weren't that hard. I give it a 7/10
I liked this book but not my favourite it kind of leads on and on I give it a7/10
Worlds best book while I was reading it I felt sympathy,gratefulness, but also happiness I suggest read it I've read it over 2 times I loved it!!!9/10
Umm this book is life the author used great description and you could see the pictures in your head it is a must read !!!
Love this book you need to read it I suggest you do if you haven't. It is detailed and has perfect suspense ,it is one of my favourite books it was about a 2 hour read so good for long drives
This book was perfect it was an easy read the author did great describing. It was nice to read right before bed so I had something to think about .My favourite part is the brother supports sadako . Definitely a have to read book!!😄😄