Cream will do though.
“That is why she dislikes dreams: they impose an unacceptable equivalence among the various periods of the same life, a leveling contemporaneity of everything a person has ever experienced; they discredit the present by denying it its privileged status. As in that night‘s dream, it obliterated a whole chunk of her life...”
Dope cover. Cool setting (Mexico in the 50s). Love the botanical theme. As much as I enjoy Gothic stories set in Europe, it‘s so nice to see ones set in other parts of the world.
One of the most horrifying parts of this book concerns Spider the terrier. I kept imagining Puck, my own terrier, in Spider‘s place.
I had a nightmare I got shot after reading this book, and it wasn‘t because of the titular story.
Recommend to fans of the Cohen Brothers, Quentin Tarantino, and Martin McDonagh.
Would an entry wound in the night make a hole wide as morning?
I am in a cabin right now and this book did not disappoint.
Blood Orange Cocktail for our Dracul discussion at the Last Bookstore.
I visited Cuba in winter of 2016, and this novel took me back. Here‘s a work from the factory turned club/art gallery that Clare visits.
Great quote on theater-going from a book obsessed with liminal spaces.
The quote is so long it spills onto the next page.
Lots of medieval torture devices (like the infamous stretching rack) in this gem that also features Jack the Ripper, Mr. Hyde, and the Grand Guignol.
I would say Sardonicus, my fave, is for fans of The Phantom of the Opera & The Picture of Dorian Gray.
“...I find the early morning to be my most ghostly time.”
If I am flesh sunning on rock
If I am brain burning in fluorescent light
Treats from a bookshop in Galway, Ireland. This cover definitely had me at hello.
Totally safe to judge this book by its cover.
Reasons to read it ⬇️
💀 The author was 20 years old and a member of Parliament
💀 It was an inspiration behind Poe‘s The Pit & The Pendulum
💀It‘s got the 3 bases of Gothic lit covered - paranoia, the barbaric, and the taboo
Cool description of a light. Also Gray Matter is making me not want to drink my morning smoothie.
Anyone seen the TV show version? Curious if it‘s worth a watch 🤔