(Page 58) I love Helen, she's such a brilliant and and hopeful young girl!
This book was okay, the ending was just kind a disappointment. Personally, I disliked the way the book portrayed God as weak and careless :/
"She came to him again and put her arms around his waist, pressing herself against him as a child would, looking for comfort. He closed his eyes against the fear uncurling in the pit of his stomach. I love her, Lord. I can't give her up. Michael, beloved.Would you let her hang on her cross forever?
Aw heck no that did not just happen! (This is on page 185 by the way)
"I learned a long time ago we've control of little in this world. It doesn't belong to us. It's out of our hands. All that we can change is the way we think and the way we live." (pg.209)
Oh man, this book is so boring. I have tried to read it again and again so many times, but I can't even get past the first chapter. If you are into a stereotypical romance then this is for you!