listening, :( narrator
Blurbing in case I never finish - not a good balance between the Hannah story and the back stories. Love the audiobook narrator.
I think the details at the end almost tricked me into giving this a so-so instead of a thumbs up. The medical/science team story line seemed to devolve and have unbelievable bits. But the story, style, and the narrator of the audio book version were all enjoyable.
Different. Interesting. Glad I read it. The tone and style most certainly match her personality lol.
Excellent. Epic. Had to read more @ Beryl Markham.
Interesting. Smart people would probably even enjoy it more than I did.
Diana Morgan is too annoying. I keep wanting to give up on the book but the amazon mystery keeps calling to me to pick it back up. Diana, for all her smarts and education, seems almost dumb - definitely naive, irresponsible, and inconsiderate (unrealistically so). To an extent she reminds me of younger me (ew). Blurbing this in case I never finish to rate it.